Random Internet Shit you've come across

This is the reason car manufacturers are making EV’s- they are being forced to by the Fed-Gov.

Some key points of the ‘regulations’ imposed by the EPA- (the US Constitution requires all laws to be made by the legislature)

Manufactures passenger cars will have to average 65 miles per gallon by 2031, up from 48.7 miles today.

Pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles will have to average 45 miles rather than the 35.1 miles today.

But heavy-duty pickup trucks and large vans will have to nearly double their fuel efficiency from 18.8 to 35 miles per gallon.

None of this will stop until you make it stop.


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This is the reason car manufacturers are making EV’s- they are being forced to by the Fed-Gov.

Some key points of the ‘regulations’ imposed by the EPA- (the US Constitution requires all laws to be made by the legislature)

Manufactures passenger cars will have to average 65 miles per gallon by 2031, up from 48.7 miles today.

Pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles will have to average 45 miles rather than the 35.1 miles today.

But heavy-duty pickup trucks and large vans will have to nearly double their fuel efficiency from 18.8 to 35 miles per gallon.

None of this will stop until you make it stop.

View attachment 408375

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The sole reason they are pushing ev’s is so they can control the computers and not allow you to drive when the next plandemic happens.

Oh sorry, if for some god forsaken reason another virus is transmitted from bats to people. Dear lord.
This is the reason car manufacturers are making EV’s- they are being forced to by the Fed-Gov.

Some key points of the ‘regulations’ imposed by the EPA- (the US Constitution requires all laws to be made by the legislature)

Manufactures passenger cars will have to average 65 miles per gallon by 2031, up from 48.7 miles today.

Pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles will have to average 45 miles rather than the 35.1 miles today.

But heavy-duty pickup trucks and large vans will have to nearly double their fuel efficiency from 18.8 to 35 miles per gallon.

None of this will stop until you make it stop.

View attachment 408375

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8 years is hardly any time at all! It likely takes 8 years to develop a new car model.

IC SUVs would become a thing of the past and light duty pickup trucks would be virtually unavailable.

Under these conditions, EVs look like a good option. The choice would be between a peppy EV and a pathetic overly complex internal combination vehicle which can barely move.

Congress created the three letter agencies so that they can create the "rules" and Congress can perform mostly on "oversight" function. Apparently this strategy has not been deemed unconstitutional.
8 years is hardly any time at all! It likely takes 8 years to develop a new car model.

IC SUVs would become a thing of the past and light duty pickup trucks would be virtually unavailable.

Under these conditions, EVs look like a good option. The choice would be between a peppy EV and a pathetic overly complex internal combination vehicle which can barely move.

Congress created the three letter agencies so that they can create the "rules" and Congress can perform mostly on "oversight" function. Apparently this strategy has not been deemed unconstitutional.

There is a court case related to this making its way through the system as we speak.

The rumor is Trump has addressing ‘law making’ by Fed bureaucracies as one of his priorities if re-elected. This scam is also how the Fed Gov closes off land from motorized use.
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