Random Internet Shit you've come across

Nothing will ever come of it. It will be swept under the rug.
The corruption just gets deeper and deeper. I’m convinced this was a an attack on our country. Just like global warming/ climate change they are out to destroy a free society and control us like puppets . WE THE PEOPLE BETTER WAKE THE FUCK UP 🤬
The corruption just gets deeper and deeper. I’m convinced this was a an attack on our country. Just like global warming/ climate change they are out to destroy a free society and control us like puppets . WE THE PEOPLE BETTER WAKE THE FUCK UP 🤬
We the people need to remember that. Instead of trying to figure out if you want to be a boy or a girl we need to stand up and go against their narrative.
Honest question. How much do you think a sitting President can impact (good or bad) the economy during their term? (Pandemics aside because the public health “response”/shutdown worldwide has been a complete cluster for the economy).
Honest question. How much do you think a sitting President can impact (good or bad) the economy during their term? (Pandemics aside because the public health “response”/shutdown worldwide has been a complete cluster for the economy).
Unless they control supply and demand they don't have much if any effect on it yet will use false promises to win a mid term election.

Edit: I was focusing on inflation.
Honest question. How much do you think a sitting President can impact (good or bad) the economy during their term? (Pandemics aside because the public health “response”/shutdown worldwide has been a complete cluster for the economy).
Well, Sharkey. A sitting President like Biden and before him, Obama can absolutely destroy the U.S. economy. The immediate shutdown of the Keystone XL pipeline and the restriction of drilling rights or slow rolling of federal permits started the runup in energy costs. The world runs on diesel fuel, not windmills. The complete closure of the nation's workplace because of a foreign attack in the form of a man made virus was by Trump but, at the guidance of that troll Fauci. At the time, they were telling Trump the death toll might be 20%. Biden however, doubled down when he took office. Knowing there was no need for masks or work/school closures.
The continual printing and spending of U.S. dollars has created massive inflation which kills everything. True, a sitting President does not single handedly order that. But, without a president's willingness, it wouldn't happen.
Expanding or restricting federal spending on certain sectors of the economy like military spending has a large effect. That is policy directed by the sitting President. Democrat president's almost always change tax policy to increase taxes on U.S. business. By doing so they restrict investment in U.S. job production. Biden has blown open the border, allowing a flood of low cost labor to destroy wages. That certainly works to destroy the economy. I could continue...
A sitting President like Trump could do immediate things to turn this economic disaster around. Finishing a border wall. Rigidly controlling immigration. Confiscatory fines for employers that willfully hire illegals. Drill everywhere there is oil or gas. Stop foreign theft of U.S. patented and intellectual property. BRING MANUFACTURING HOME, by cutting taxes on U.S. business.
True, much of what needs to be done requires Congressional action but, the "sitting" President guides the ship. The problem with our current illegitimate sitting "president" is, his America hating party controls congress.
And, a side note.... these demon possessed democrats are openly speaking about "packing" the Supreme Court.
Because they want to continue murdering the next generations of Americans.
Well, Sharkey. A sitting President like Biden and before him, Obama can absolutely destroy the U.S. economy. The immediate shutdown of the Keystone XL pipeline and the restriction of drilling rights or slow rolling of federal permits started the runup in energy costs. The world runs on diesel fuel, not windmills. The complete closure of the nation's workplace because of a foreign attack in the form of a man made virus was by Trump but, at the guidance of that troll Fauci. At the time, they were telling Trump the death toll might be 20%. Biden however, doubled down when he took office. Knowing there was no need for masks or work/school closures.
The continual printing and spending of U.S. dollars has created massive inflation which kills everything. True, a sitting President does not single handedly order that. But, without a president's willingness, it wouldn't happen.
Expanding or restricting federal spending on certain sectors of the economy like military spending has a large effect. That is policy directed by the sitting President. Democrat president's almost always change tax policy to increase taxes on U.S. business. By doing so they restrict investment in U.S. job production. Biden has blown open the border, allowing a flood of low cost labor to destroy wages. That certainly works to destroy the economy. I could continue...
A sitting President like Trump could do immediate things to turn this economic disaster around. Finishing a border wall. Rigidly controlling immigration. Confiscatory fines for employers that willfully hire illegals. Drill everywhere there is oil or gas. Stop foreign theft of U.S. patented and intellectual property. BRING MANUFACTURING HOME, by cutting taxes on U.S. business.
True, much of what needs to be done requires Congressional action but, the "sitting" President guides the ship. The problem with our current illegitimate sitting "president" is, his America hating party controls congress.
And, a side note.... these demon possessed democrats are openly speaking about "packing" the Supreme Court.
Because they want to continue murdering the next generations of Americans.

Great points.

Do not forget regulation. Regulations enacted through Gov agencies adds a heavy financial burden to businesses- and that cost gets passed on to the consumer. A perfect example is the EPA/DOT Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards. Who pays that? The consumer.

As stated above taxes are huge. Corporations don’t pay taxes, the individuals who buy things from corporations pay taxes. It’s amazing how many Americans cannot comprehend that. Every time I hear people cheer when some dumbass politician says they are going to “make rich people pay their fair share” I laugh. A basic understanding of macro economics is required if you want to retain your self-determination. If not, prepare to be a ’subject’.

A wealthy friend of mine likes to say: Business builds wealth, government destroys it.

As the CEO of a country the president can negatively effect the economy. Just ask Jimmy Carter.

Honest question. How much do you think a sitting President can impact (good or bad) the economy during their term? (Pandemics aside because the public health “response”/shutdown worldwide has been a complete cluster for the economy).
Doesn't matter. Every President we've ever had (in my lifetime at least) will lavish themselves with praise when the economy is good and claim they made it that way, by default they own the bad as well.
Well, Sharkey. A sitting President like Biden and before him, Obama can absolutely destroy the U.S. economy. The immediate shutdown of the Keystone XL pipeline and the restriction of drilling rights or slow rolling of federal permits started the runup in energy costs. The world runs on diesel fuel, not windmills. The complete closure of the nation's workplace because of a foreign attack in the form of a man made virus was by Trump but, at the guidance of that troll Fauci. At the time, they were telling Trump the death toll might be 20%. Biden however, doubled down when he took office. Knowing there was no need for masks or work/school closures.
The continual printing and spending of U.S. dollars has created massive inflation which kills everything. True, a sitting President does not single handedly order that. But, without a president's willingness, it wouldn't happen.
Expanding or restricting federal spending on certain sectors of the economy like military spending has a large effect. That is policy directed by the sitting President. Democrat president's almost always change tax policy to increase taxes on U.S. business. By doing so they restrict investment in U.S. job production. Biden has blown open the border, allowing a flood of low cost labor to destroy wages. That certainly works to destroy the economy. I could continue...
A sitting President like Trump could do immediate things to turn this economic disaster around. Finishing a border wall. Rigidly controlling immigration. Confiscatory fines for employers that willfully hire illegals. Drill everywhere there is oil or gas. Stop foreign theft of U.S. patented and intellectual property. BRING MANUFACTURING HOME, by cutting taxes on U.S. business.
True, much of what needs to be done requires Congressional action but, the "sitting" President guides the ship. The problem with our current illegitimate sitting "president" is, his America hating party controls congress.
And, a side note.... these demon possessed democrats are openly speaking about "packing" the Supreme Court.
Because they want to continue murdering the next generations of Americans.
I find some truth in some of your points, others not so much. One that I do find funny though is the perception that a flood of low cost labor is somehow destroying wages. Wages for whom? Hospitality workers, fast food workers, and laborers? In my opinion, thanks to unions, many of those jobs already pay far more than they should. Manufacturing will never “come home” when the unions have the ability to extort businesses and consumers are unwilling to pay the costs for products that would be necessary to support such ridiculous pay scales. There is a reason automobile manufacturers fled the US…the UAW!

I think the loaded prevailing wage rate in LA County for a laborer is $52 per hour or so. That’s a basic hourly rate of $32+ for literally having no skill whatsoever. That’s effing laughable.
I find some truth in some of your points, others not so much. One that I do find funny though is the perception that a flood of low cost labor is somehow destroying wages. Wages for whom? Hospitality workers, fast food workers, and laborers? In my opinion, thanks to unions, many of those jobs already pay far more than they should. Manufacturing will never “come home” when the unions have the ability to extort businesses and consumers are unwilling to pay the costs for products that would be necessary to support such ridiculous pay scales. There is a reason automobile manufacturers fled the US…the UAW!

I think the loaded prevailing wage rate in LA County for a laborer is $52 per hour or so. That’s a basic hourly rate of $32+ for literally having no skill whatsoever. That’s effing laughable.
Couldn't agree more. Starbucks workers' push to unionize is absolutely ridiculous. People already pay stupid prices for coffee. If it goes through get ready to pay $10 for a small. Unions had a time and a place (Carnegie Steel comes to mind) when employers were exploiting their workers. The pendulum has swung so far in the opposite direction at this point. As you pointed out when unskilled laborers are being paid an exorbitant amount of money for being lazy due to "protection" its sickening. You wonder why inflation is what it is today. Fast food, grocery stores, coffee shops, etc ate entry level jobs and should be paid a minimum wage, that's it. Those occupations are not "careers". Don't even get me started on $15 per hour minimum wage. Hostess closed their doors because what the employees and the baker's union were asking for was more than they could reasonably afford. I'm all for high wages but people need to learn a skill or obtain a degree to be deserving of them, not just be handed it. Its bread a society of lazy entitled assholes.
Fast food, grocery stores, coffee shops, etc ate entry level jobs and should be paid a minimum wage, that's it. Those occupations are not "careers". Don't even get me started on $15 per hour minimum wage.

It's all part of the plan, and our reliance on illegal labor is part of it. Those of us earning a so-called middle class wage haven't seen an increase (adj. for inflation) in well over a decade.

History indicates the middle class is an aberration, and we are problematic to those who seek to control society. IMO we will be gone in 2 generations at most.
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