Random Internet Shit you've come across

It's been going up for decades. Look at house prices, look at vehicle prices, look at groceries. Government keeps borrowing, bank keeps printing. Prices will keep going up.
Agreed. I just think it's funny that Biden's name is on that as he's been president for 4 months and that shit happened well before he took the oath of office...

And don't get me wrong. I hate all politicians equally. Biden's a douche and probably has dementia. I just like laying blame where blames due...
That makes Biden either a poor commander in chief or an extremely unlucky one. Either way, all of us will have to deal with this mess. I get that every administration blames the last for everything bad and takes credit for everything good but come on Joe can you at least get a lucky streak going.
So glad I don't own any of this bullshit:

Your phone isn't any better. Even when you turn it off, it's still tracking you. And, when it's on, it's always listening. Try talking to your wife about a product that you've never searched for on your phone or computer. See how long before you start seeing ads for it.
Your phone isn't any better. Even when you turn it off, it's still tracking you. And, when it's on, it's always listening. Try talking to your wife about a product that you've never searched for on your phone or computer. See how long before you start seeing ads for it.
☝️Absolute truth☝️
Your phone isn't any better. Even when you turn it off, it's still tracking you. And, when it's on, it's always listening. Try talking to your wife about a product that you've never searched for on your phone or computer. See how long before you start seeing ads for it.
THIS! It's bullshit. First time it happened I was like WTF is this shit?! Happens all the time now. Kids got us an Alexa for Christmas and I'm constantly unplugging the damn thing :mad:
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