she was sending out a subliminal message, "We're all fucked"
she was sending out a subliminal message, "We're all fucked"
$1000/month, buying future votes if democrats have their way and get them processed fast enough to vote.If I can make it there ... I can make it .... anywhere
it's up to you New York, New York
Exclusive | NYC launches $53M program to hand out pre-paid credit cards to migrant families
The $53 million pilot program, run by the New Jersey company Mobility Capital Finance, will provide asylum seekers with the cards as they arrive at the Roosevelt Hotel, according to city
It’s been the plan all along there losing the black vote. Not to mention the census and the re-districting of counties and senate seats.$1000/month, buying future votes if democrats have their way and get them processed fast enough to vote.
Does anyone really think this is all not part of a bigger plan?
sad part, they tried this shit in the 70's and back then, even democrats nixed it.It’s been the plan all along there losing the black vote. Not to mention the census and the re-districting of counties and senate seats.
What a fuck!This shit is just perfect
WATCH: Gavin Newsom witnessed a shoplifting at Target ... his cashier blamed "the governor" without realizing who he was 💀
Give the citizens of California credit, they're not intimidated one little bit by Governor Hair
Here is a good starting place. The store owners should not fire employees for stopping theft. I do not like Newsome…at all! I lived in SF when he was on the Board of Supervisors and have watched what a POS he is, and his climb to power, for a few decades. I would pretty much vote for any human being out there in any election of any kind where Newsome is on the other side. All of that said, the thefts in California are not really his doing. I put the blame in this order: piece of shit individuals, parents, district and/or city attorneys, cops, store owners, the Governor, society.
It's a combination of all of that. But Governor Nuisance is in favor of tons of anti-American and anti ethical shit. Plenty of other states aren't in favor of the communism he promotes. But even prior to newsom, California was an anti-American shithole. I remember what California was about 20 years ago, it was wonderful. Now it's a disgrace.Here is a good starting place. The store owners should not fire employees for stopping theft. I do not like Newsome…at all! I lived in SF when he was on the Board of Supervisors and have watched what a POS he is, and his climb to power, for a few decades. I would pretty much vote for any human being out there in any election of any kind where Newsome is on the other side. All of that said, the thefts in California are not really his doing. I put the blame in this order: piece of shit individuals, parents, district and/or city attorneys, cops, store owners, the Governor, society.
Not very nice about your future POTUS. Just not sure if he’s next in line or if he’s gonna be after Michael and First Lady Barry.It's a combination of all of that. But Governor Nuisance is in favor of tons of anti-American and anti ethical shit. Plenty of other states aren't in favor of the communism he promotes. But even prior to newsom, California was an anti-American shithole. I remember what California was about 20 years ago, it was wonderful. Now it's a disgrace.
I don’t disagree with any of that. But let’s be honest. It all starts with piece of shit parents not teaching their kids right from wrong and instead expecting the school system to socialize their children so they don’t have to.It's a combination of all of that. But Governor Nuisance is in favor of tons of anti-American and anti ethical shit. Plenty of other states aren't in favor of the communism he promotes. But even prior to newsom, California was an anti-American shithole. I remember what California was about 20 years ago, it was wonderful. Now it's a disgrace.
Amen. Power to the people, not the state.I don’t disagree with any of that. But let’s be honest. It all starts with piece of shit parents not teaching their kids right from wrong and instead expecting the school system to socialize their children so they don’t have to.
I have really, really good kids. They aren’t perfect by any means. They party a bit, make mistakes, learn from them, and move forward. They understand personal responsibility and right from wrong. That isn’t an accident. My wife and I spent , as a couple and individually, giving them roll models and teaching them how to live in the world that was around them. We didn’t hide it from them, we taught them how to adjust. They aren’t perfect and I don’t expect them to be. But at sub-22 they are better humans than 99% of the people out there. They have work ethic, compassion, intelligence, free thought (even when it departs from their parents), and a sense of responsibility for their own actions.
Is it really a state’s Governor who is supposed to teach that?!? If so, we are fucked. I don’t care what party is in power.
have bad parents only been around the last five years?I don’t disagree with any of that. But let’s be honest. It all starts with piece of shit parents not teaching their kids right from wrong and instead expecting the school system to socialize their children so they don’t have to.
I have really, really good kids. They aren’t perfect by any means. They party a bit, make mistakes, learn from them, and move forward. They understand personal responsibility and right from wrong. That isn’t an accident. My wife and I spent hundreds and hundreds of hours, as a couple and individually, giving them role models and teaching them how to live in the world that was around them. We didn’t hide it from them, we taught them how to adjust. They aren’t perfect and I don’t expect them to be. But at sub-22 they are better humans than 99% of the people out there. They have work ethic, compassion, intelligence, free thought (even when it departs from their parents), and a sense of responsibility for their own actions.
Is it really a state’s Governor who is supposed to teach that?!? If so, we are fucked. I don’t care what party is in power.
Our generation (if I can include your young ass in generation X, has proven to be exceptionally bad at parenting). So, to a degree, yes! The entire concept of you have the right to not be offended, to have your feelings hurt, to think that you can menstruate through your cock and balls, etc., arose from the 30-50 year olds. And I don’t fucking get it because my parents didn’t raise me that way.have bad parents only been around the last five years?