Donald Trump was a Democrat, all the way up to the point when he and the Clinton's had a falling out. He self proclaimed as a Republican and ran for President to spite Hillary. When he won the nomination he rubbed everyone's nose in it, Dems, Repubs, Inds.
When he won the election he was strutting like a peacock and saying he was going to clean the town up. He didn't.
He made several claims when he sat in the big boy chair, but none of them made it through,
He not once talked about "We" it was always "I".
He's a narcissistic egomaniac who loves being the center of attention.
I don't think "Orange Man Bad", I see The Donald doesn't care about anyone but The Donald. He'll throw every single one of his kids under a bus to protect himself. Been that way ever since he first started appearing on the boobtube.
Not to mention, he shows obvious signs of dementia. He and Biden have no business running for President just based on age and mental stability.
You guys want to vote him in, go ahead. He'll be impeached again and this time the Senate will convict.
It will be nothing but 4 more years of everyone fighting and no one getting anything done to promote the health of this country.