Yep, they’re already making these changes here in commiefornia. They’ve replaced people with kiosks and eliminated all but one cashier in some of them. Haven’t been to one like this though.
Wow, that's pretty awesome. Don't know if I could get in one of those cars or not....The new tram cabins have been installed at Big Sky! Walking the tram lines would be cool but terrifying
Boo-fucking-hoo! Welcome to the real world!
This would be hilarious if it wasn't so fucking true.Sounds about right…
FBI Races Past Protesters Screaming ‘Kill The Jews’ To Arrest Woman Praying Silently Outside Abortion Clinic
STAMFORD, CT — An unspeakable horror was averted today as a Federal Bureau of Investigation tactical team expertly rushed by an angry mob of pro-Palestinian protestors screaming "Kill the Jews" to quickly arrest an elderly woman who was quietly praying outside a Planned Parenthood abortion
Yeah no shit. Try 48 hours straight then forced OT for another 24 when you had plans for your day off. Just one of the reasons I retired and started selling coffee...haha. Now if I fail I have no one to blame but myself. I like it that way.She should try working 4 or more 12 hour night shifts and go to school at the same time. Then maybe she could have a break down lol No work ethic now a days.