Sounds like something folks in our own country could use.Hooray for the blue and yellow flag people and the uniparty for supporting them
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Da Judge has spoken!Wow! I didn't bring it up, I responded to someone else. You are a paranoid dipshit with no ability to understand context. All I said was it can be great if the parents put in the effort that is required, unfortunately some don't. So if you aren't a lazy dumb ass then your children will most likely benefit from homeschooling. But if you are, then you are producing another generation of ignorant idiots with no ability to think for themselves, and we don't need any more of those.
Joe probably was telling him about Corn Pop being a bad dude…..
Pretty sure it ain't the dogs issue as much as the owner. I doubt you nor I could have a dog that bit that many people without a judge requiring it to be put down.
Orrrrrrrrrrr .... maybe it's just tired of all the peanut butter and lick here tricks he's made to preform.
Biden's dog Commander bites another Secret Service officer in 11th incident
President Joe Biden's dog Commander bit another Secret Service officer on Monday, according to a statement from a Secret Service spokesperson. Commander, a purebred German shepherd, bit the Secret Service officer around 8 p.m. Monday. The officer was treated by medical personnel and said