Random Internet Shit you've come across

While I agree, this is not a legitimate reason for impinging on my right to educate and raise my children as I see fit... or even those parents who don't raise their children according to my standards, your standards, or the "state's" standards.

Freedom is painful sometimes.
Who is impinging on your right to homeschool your children? I have a lot of friends who are currently or who did, homeschool their children. If you live in a place that is not allowing you do this, I recommend moving.
Who is impinging on your right to homeschool your children? I have a lot of friends who are currently or who did, homeschool their children. If you live in a place that is not allowing you do this, I recommend moving.

Lol... BTDT, and after homeschooling for 12 years my kids are done. We can start a whole new thread about which states restrict rights to homeschooling and why, or to what degree... or when the federal govt. might kill the whole damn thing. But citing the "crazies & lazies" is how erosion of parents freedom to educate their own children (and lots of other things) usually finds a foothold.

Just about everyone on this forum knows these types of threats to our freedom exist, so my question is: why did you bring it up in this context? What's your agenda?
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