Random Internet Shit you've come across

This made ZERO sense to me when announced. Take the guy that did the original investigation and came up with the sweetheart deal that a Federal judge kicked out, and make him the special counsel. Then act like everything is above board and there is nothing hinckey going on.

When it's all over for the second time, Congress will get involved again and we all know everything is kosher over there, there will be a larger investigation into the investigators and their supervisors and more time and money will be lost.

Then in the end, Hunter will commit suicide in some mysterious way that isn't possible for a human and Hillary will have her bird eating cat grin on.
This made ZERO sense to me when announced. Take the guy that did the original investigation and came up with the sweetheart deal that a Federal judge kicked out, and make him the special counsel. Then act like everything is above board and there is nothing hinckey going on.

When it's all over for the second time, Congress will get involved again and we all know everything is kosher over there, there will be a larger investigation into the investigators and their supervisors and more time and money will be lost.

Then in the end, Hunter will commit suicide in some mysterious way that isn't possible for a human and Hillary will have her bird eating cat grin on.
Several of the alleged crimes Hunter committed have a statute of limitations so if they can run out the clock the investigation will cease. I really think most of this is related to protecting Creepy Joe and obama, not Hunter. If you dig deep enough into Hunter you will uncover a myriad of crimes and misdeeds committed by bigger fish.
Ha! That chevron is right outside the airport just before you get in the freeway. I was getting gas there one time and some lady went in to get a water while pumping and I kid you not within 30 seconds of her going into the store someone tried to steal her car.
Yep. That place is a shithole. I know exactly where that gas station is on Hegenberger. They have massive signs warning people of the degenerates that hang around there.
I know I know, crazy talk but…
Sad but not surprising if it's true. There was a fire in Colorado a couple of years ago that had a lot of unknowns about how it started. Witnesses saw what appeared to be intentional fires started in two locations on a red flag windy day and it barely made the news the first day and then was eventually buried. When people went to rebuild, the cities and counties conveniently had in place all kinds of greenie codes for rebuilding, far higher than insurance would pay of course. Last I heard residents were fighting back against the cities to allow them to rebuild under previous codes.

Sad we even have to think this way as a possibility, but evil people do evil things. Been that way since the beginning of time.

Our government has admitted to having weather modification capabilities anyways.
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