Random Internet Shit you've come across

Yeah you know what you’re doing though same thing with your post from yesterday. Read the rules you agreed to when you signed up.
What post from yesterday? Been a whole lot since then. Was it in this thread?
Not sure what your boner is for me but I do recall it’s been from absolute day 1 of my time here. I think “gatekeeper” was the term used that someone told me about you.
But anyway, if I offended you I apologize. I did read the rules and I have abided by them. You are the only one who has ever had an issue with my time spent here. I love all of y’all so there’s that. Life is much too short to take offense of anything that I may do.
Peace bro
What post from yesterday? Been a whole lot since then. Was it in this thread?
Not sure what your boner is for me but I do recall it’s been from absolute day 1 of my time here. I think “gatekeeper” was the term used that someone told me about you.
But anyway, if I offended you I apologize. I did read the rules and I have abided by them. You are the only one who has ever had an issue with my time spent here. I love all of y’all so there’s that. Life is much too short to take offense of anything that I may do.
Peace bro
I wasn’t the one that deleted your post yesterday. If you don’t even know what you post, maybe that’s the problem.
I wasn’t the one that deleted your post yesterday. If you don’t even know what you post, maybe that’s the problem.
So you’re saying I had a post deleted yesterday? Interesting. Do we not get notifications when such things happen? That would seem odd.
But anyway, wasn’t aware there was any problem. I’ve yet to see a post/meme/comment on this entire forum that I would waste any of my life being offended about. I suppose we have our 10% here just like everywhere else. I choose not to be one of those.👍
So you’re saying I had a post deleted yesterday? Interesting. Do we not get notifications when such things happen? That would seem odd.
But anyway, wasn’t aware there was any problem. I’ve yet to see a post/meme/comment on this entire forum that I would waste any of my life being offended about. I suppose we have our 10% here just like everywhere else. I choose not to be one of those.👍
I deleted it. It was a naked chick on a skateboard or something.
I deleted it. It was a naked chick on a skateboard or something.
Oh the roller girl with the hind end showing. Gotcha. Didn’t know it was deleted, nor not allowed.
How do we know when memes are deleted? If they’re that good they could be shared elsewhere. I post and delete, there is absolutely zero memes on my phone once I deem them worthy of sharing and do so.🤷‍♂️
So no hiney, no white T shirts, got it.👍
Just so that it's clear, I couldn't give two shits about the pics. It's Google/AdSense gives us grief and we're already in the shitbox for having had a bad orange man sign hanging on the wall of my garage. So, I hope you can be understanding of things.

Do you have the capability to put sub-forums behind a "wall" that one has to be logged in to the Board to view?

Do you have the capability to put sub-forums behind a "wall" that one has to be logged in to the Board to view?
Like a members only kind of thing? Yeah, we could probably do something like that but the whole point of having this place is to make it accessible to everyone. Also, if I can get AdSense to help pay to keep it online, all the better. Can't do that if things are behind closed doors.
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