Random Internet Shit you've come across

I think we've always been the bully with a way to back it up. We've always had some level of supplies, manpower, skills to back our loud mouth. But I really worry now of what would happen if war came to us here. So much of our culture can't decide their Starbucks drink, their gender, etc. We have little work ethic now. And in the event of war, how much shit is on backorder or can't be gotten quickly? I mean just look at how pathetic local governments are that can't even fix crime or homelessness. In a 3rd world war, we've got a huge problem imo. World reserve currency is fading quickly, emperor has no clothes. We need to walk away from Ukraine but that won't happen.
Us Rednecks would stand up and they would run home like a bitch.
God ain’t never made anything as crazy as a white boy
Well they finally went and did it.
Tires are no longer standard equipment?

Just in case we didn’t see it when you posted the first time?
Fixed it for ya since that was the most pressing issue going on in your world. Didn’t intend to offend sir, sometimes a fella just gets busy funnin with friends and loses track of shared memes. I’ll try to be better.👍
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