Random Internet Shit you've come across

These are supposed to be AI generated depictions representing individuals of different political viewpoints. Not sure if it’s legit but it is humorous.

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Well here is a picture of the feminazi governor of Oregon, pretty spot on.

And here is one of a prominent soccer player for the Portland Thornes, also a feminazi.
LOL - sucks to be Target
I love this shit. I am so sick of these fuckers pushing this shit upon us for years expecting special treatment and now it backfires. I haven't shopped in target for years for other reasons but now I have even more reason not to. I really hope all these stupid woke companies fail. Real Americans don't give a fucking shit about this woke communist bullshit.
Holy shit I hate living here. Just gets worse by the day. And yes, I know I should move… in fact we just tried, getting the house ready and all, but in 2 months I’ll have my wife’s 89 year old dad living with us and that changed everything.
That’s a hard one. Good luck.
LOL - sucks to be Target
The reaction was in response to how they lied to us and tried to blame Russia for blowing up their own pipeline.
This gov needs a full reboot.
Which government are you taking about? Are you concerned that the CIA has apparently become a news agency? It seems very concerning when our government is apparently not able to keep top secret stuff secret.
Megan Fox and her three sons.
WTF is wrong with these people?!

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Absolutely nothing! She finer than frog hair split four ways. And worth 8 Million dollars.
Oh wait, nah, she batshit crazy. You’d think with her kind of money that those boys wouldn’t be in public education.
Hell until just now I never even knew she had kids. Figured that MGK thing would be enough child for her.

Musk is a genius. Like we didn't already know that, but here we go again.
He's taking 140 characters and turning it into a media empire.
Stuff like this will unhinge cable news, because who doesn't want to watch 10 minutes of truth vs 40 minutes of mindless propaganda and 20 minutes of My Pillow?
And you better believe that Google is watching closely, because why can't Twitter be Youtube, but without the partisan censorship?
Megan Fox and her three sons.
WTF is wrong with these people?!

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this is what happens when you don't seek mental illness care for yourself, it gets put on display but in this society it becomes fashionable.
Now, which one of those kids will commit suicide before they turn 18, which will die of overdose and which will become a rocker.
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