Anyone else find it funny that Tesla sits slightly below apple on this list at 93.9%??
Anyone else find it funny that Tesla sits slightly below apple on this list at 93.9%??
doesn't seem biased at allAnyone else find it funny that Tesla sits slightly below apple on this list at 93.9%??
it was a carbon free burnWonder what the reaction from the environmentalist crowd will be when an SUV EV burns down a whole redwood forest?
Lil Kim move to cali ?WARNING: maybe something you can’t unsee.
WouldWARNING: maybe something you can’t unsee.
I love seeing that. Fuck those guys.
I think every SO in Northern California has a built Jeep, the only ones I've seen in use are Eldorado and Placer Co. though. I've seen them cruise through the Rubicon every time I've been. Lassen and Plumas County's seem to only get driven to keep the gas from going bad in the tank