Random Internet Shit you've come across

Still the best in the game making frames in Santa Ana California. S&M Bikes.
They have a 29r frame for us bmx guys trying to relive our youth. lol

I recently got back into riding. It’s been a blast.
I'm not sure it's even possible to source most of the components state-side these days, although there are some custom steel frame builders still around. The move to mostly carbon fiber has made it more difficult to compete locally but I'd love to see an American CF manufacturer step up & start producing for several high end brands. Only problem is finding Americans willing to work. 😞
I'm not sure it's even possible to source most of the components state-side these days, although there are some custom steel frame builders still around. The move to mostly carbon fiber has made it more difficult to compete locally but I'd love to see an American CF manufacturer step up & start producing for several high end brands. Only problem is finding Americans willing to work. 😞
The biggest problem in my opinion isn’t that Americans arnt willing to work or even the regulations hurting industry. Americans have an insatiable hunger for cheap shit.
Thankfully many people are realizing the importance of American made goods and some bike companies are bringing production back to the states. Here locally to me Ibis has started carbon fiber production on a bigger scale. And Santa Cruz has their “carbon lab” where they make and test new stuff before shipping molds to China. So there is hope. The people just need to be interested in it. $$$$
Sep 18, 2020. I just decided to drink less alcohol, eat less processed food, and lose weight. Had nothing to do with covid. I just decided to actually make an effort to better my health. I lost about 50ish pounds in six months. I've maintained the same weight for a year and a half. I do intermittent fasting at least twice a week. My diet is pretty much whole foods, hardly any processed foods, and I lift weights at least four days a week. I'm in my 40s and in the best shape of my life and feel amazing. Most of my life was junk food and just eating whatever I felt like. The last two years have been a game changer. Being that I wanted to lose weight at the beginning, I was tracking calories and even using a food scale. Now I don't even have to. Just eating whole real foods and knowing my portion sizes is just second nature. I can see all my abs and have veins in my arms that I've never seen before, lol. Energy levels are amazing. I have a 'cheat' meal maybe once a week when we go out to a restaurant like fried chicken or french fries but 80-90% of my diet Is real foods and protein is high in each meal. I really wish I knew this stuff years ago. Sugar and processed foods really is not good for the body. I stopped craving it in just about a month after making the change. And the best part, I work from home and have a desk job, so cardio is minimal at best. I hate intense cardio for weight loss. I love going on walks and hikes but just don't have the time. So all of my changes have been strictly nutrition.
February 2017, I was sucking wind skiing; I was so out of shape. I started going to the gym, building muscle, and doing 1.5 hrs of cardio a week. I just started watching what I ate, weighing portions, and making sure I had enough protein and controlled my carb intake. 9 months I lost 70lbs, and kept it off until the gyms shutdown for the Plandemic. Been trying to get back in the habit, to get back to feeling full of energy; just need to recover from the concussion, whiplash and headaches from the accident this last July. (Solid steel bumper saved my Jeep, but totaled the other driver's car, just transferred the energy into my body.)
Muscle burns fat at rest; cardio helps speed up the process.
This video likely won't be around long.

Good video, thanks for posting.

I spoke with a friend of mine in the Mil a couple months ago and he said his unit had no Rona deaths, however several guys were having issues from the vax. Keep in mind this is a small sample size so take it for what it is. The scary part is all the guys in this unit are extremely athletic and on average in the 30-40 age range.

Seems the “cure” was far worse than the Rona. Fucked up shit!
This video likely won't be around long.

Seems I'm going through some of this myself.

Almost a year to the date of my second stab I started experiencing higher blood pressure and accelerated heart rate. At the time I just attributed it to stress because my wife was just finishing up her stay at a rehab hospital after her near death visit from Covid.

As I've progressed through the Dr.'s checklist of things to do to correct the issues, we started having conversations about the Pfizer concoction and people's cardiovascular reactions to it. He informed me there were studies going on and there were results starting to come in to support the mRNA serum WAS affecting people in the way I was having problems.

He said at this time there were no indications of a therapy to try and correct these issues other than the standard ways. So my blood pressure medicine has doubled in strength and I now am on beta blockers. Unknown what these changes in meds will cause elsewhere and unknown if anything else will pop up new to me that could be attributed to this shit.
Seems I'm going through some of this myself.

Almost a year to the date of my second stab I started experiencing higher blood pressure and accelerated heart rate. At the time I just attributed it to stress because my wife was just finishing up her stay at a rehab hospital after her near death visit from Covid.

As I've progressed through the Dr.'s checklist of things to do to correct the issues, we started having conversations about the Pfizer concoction and people's cardiovascular reactions to it. He informed me there were studies going on and there were results starting to come in to support the mRNA serum WAS affecting people in the way I was having problems.

He said at this time there were no indications of a therapy to try and correct these issues other than the standard ways. So my blood pressure medicine has doubled in strength and I now am on beta blockers. Unknown what these changes in meds will cause elsewhere and unknown if anything else will pop up new to me that could be attributed to this shit.
damn, sorry to hear this. hope you recover soon.
damn, sorry to hear this. hope you recover soon.
Thanks. I never got "bad", just things got worse and like I said, figured it was stress.

All my Dr.'s are tied to a major hospital group here in town. They toe the company line in public. In private most of them will be very forthcoming and give you their personal opinion and will talk about studies that are against the "Party Fairy Tale". I understand, they're like me and work for a company that tells them the policy. This is why I got jabbed twice, had to to work at just about anywhere that uses my skill set.
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