Random Internet Shit you've come across

Sometimes it’s hard to sort the sarcasm from the serious on the Babylon Bee, however this one is easy!!

Liz Cheney has much bigger balls than most people in Congress.

Having lived in WY for several years, I believe that for Cheney, Wyoming seems like a business arrangement. She owns a mansion in Jackson Hole (WY is a nice tax shelter for the uber-rich), in which she spends the minimum time necessary in order to qualify for "state residency". She also has far deeper pockets than her competition.

That said, she has made a few statements in the past that I agree with. However, I don't believe she operates with her constituent's best interest at heart (but then, who does?).

Bearing in mind that a large chunk of WY is so libertarian that they are at odds with Republican policy anyway... which is part of the reason I felt so at home there. Lol...
Liz Cheney has much bigger balls than most people in Congress.
Having lived in WY for several years, I believe that for Cheney, Wyoming seems like a business arrangement. She owns a mansion in Jackson Hole (WY is a nice tax shelter for the uber-rich), in which she spends the minimum time necessary in order to qualify for "state residency". She also has far deeper pockets than her competition.

That said, she has made a few statements in the past that I agree with. However, I don't believe she operates with her constituent's best interest at heart (but then, who does?).

Bearing in mind that a large chunk of WY is so libertarian that they are at odds with Republican policy anyway... which is part of the reason I felt so at home there. Lol...
Her participation in the democrats endless witch hunt, and persecution of J6 protesters simply demonstrates her total lack of integrity.
Her participation in the democrats endless witch hunt, and persecution of J6 protesters simply demonstrates her total lack of integrity.

The political insiders (R & D party) are engaged in theater. They want you to believe that they are locked in mortal combat over their party differences, however at the end of the day they are all playing a game and that game is accumulating personal wealth and power at taxpayer expense. Whether they are the majority or minority party they are still in office and therefore have access to your tax dollars. Trust me, when the cameras are not present they are the best of friends and hang out together in DC! The J6 scam is about making an example out of a political outsider in order to deter further interference in their game. Liz Cheney is a full participant in this process. Nothing less, nothing more. Love or hate Trump, he interfered in their scam and they are going to punish him in order to make sure no one else dares to interfere. Encouraging smooth brained individuals to hate Trump is about conditioning the population to except a royalty class.
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AFG Taliban member displaying the trigger finger discipline he learned courtesy of the American tax payer. Also check out the hard knuckle gloves, sunglasses, radio, and M16A2.

Not sure if we paid for the training bra on his head though? 😂🤣

Nancy Pelosi’s connection to china. 🤣😂

“When I was a little girl, I was told at the beach if I dug a hole deep enough, we would reach China, so we’ve always felt a connection there,” Pelosi commented.

Outkick’s Clay Travis shared the clip on social media, writing, “We are truly led by imbeciles.”

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