I’d be running like a little bitch
Two words: BLOW TORCH!
Maybe flame thrower would be better.Two words: BLOW TORCH!
I'm a 44 year old guy and have no problem admitting that I would scream like a little school girl.
LOL... Wolf spider
I had that happen once with a wolf spider. I saw it sitting there, picked it up with some toilet paper. As soon as I threw it in the toilet, hundreds of babies scattered on the water surface. Scared the shit out of me.
And apparently the government likes the taste of ass these daysThe federal Gov’mint has no business deciding energy policy, that should be left to the Free Market. The vast majority of the time the Feds fuck up everything they touch.
Think about how many different types of delicious beer the Free Market produces, if the Feds were the only entity that manufactured beer there would be only one type, it would taste like ass, and be super expensive.