Random Internet Shit you've come across

San Diego should be circled too! Not east county San Diego, but San Diego proper.
Hopefully you know what you are talking about! 😄

San Diego sure has changed. I grew up in the tiny town of Poway, which became essentially part of San Diego. But there are more distant/rural areas for which there is still hope and a good life, even with what the state has been doing.

Also, there are still some voters in the San Diego area who's brains have not turned into mush.
I lived out here for the last decade straight, and I am not very thrilled. I have seen a shift in how many people see the military out here, despite this being a very military heavy city and region if you include Camp Pendleton.
Yep. Can’t stand them…
A couple of weeks ago I had a lady get all pissed and flip me off and cuss me out for not letting her merge after racing up and trying to dive in. I just pointed behind me. For the next 10 miles she'd pass me and flip me off. I was just smiling, waving, and giving her the thumbs up. Way more fun than getting all agro and reciprocating her geatures.
A couple of weeks ago I had a lady get all pissed and flip me off and cuss me out for not letting her merge after racing up and trying to dive in. I just pointed behind me. For the next 10 miles she'd pass me and flip me off. I was just smiling, waving, and giving her the thumbs up. Way more fun than getting all agro and reciprocating her geatures.
That kind of response always kicks them harder and makes It funnier. As they lose there shit over something so simple. 🤣
I've been blocked in by assholes that leave me no room but they leave ample room in front/rear of their cars so they can get out easily.

As much as I've wanted to do this, I restrain myself and make the 100 point inch back and forth maneuver to get out.

Now, if I know I'll be parking where this usually happens I've been using an extended hitch to keep them from getting too close. (y)
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