Seychelles is actually on my list...soon
30 years ago I passed on a Nat Geo trip with a good friend and cinematographer Mike DeGruy to film tiger sharks in the Leeward Islands...the sharks arrive as the albatrosses hatch and try to learn how to fly...many get gulped down by the tigers like bass plugs in 5 feet of water around the islands next to shore...his award winning filming took place while free diving amongst the sharks...all adult tigers 10-16 feet long...I still remember standing on Makai pier as the 100' research ship Kila left the dock in Waimanalo...
Amongst his footage was a giant GT also eating the baby looked like it could have gone 200 lbs, bigger than any of us has ever seen...and I've seen plenty over the 100 lb mark in 40 years of diving...
To this day, I still regret not jumping on that boat...Mike was killed in a helicopter crash about 5 years ago working on a James Camaron film in Papa New Guinea...taking off from Australia...