Random Internet Shit you've come across

Fucking idiots, how do murderers get to demand anything? Also, looks like Harris supported this kind of garbage…

total bullshit:
Liberties Union of Indiana claimed in a press release at the time that the taxpayer-funded medical services were “necessary and even lifesaving.”

Judge Young's ruling declared that Cordellionè "requires gender-affirming surgery to prevent a risk of serious bodily and psychological harm." "

a fucking murderer, useless to society; use a 50 cal to perform its gender change.
Fucking idiots, how do murderers get to demand anything? Also, looks like Harris supported this kind of garbage…

It absolutely blows my fucking mind that people in power have this twisted mentality and support it with such fervor! Wow 😡
This is the world we live in. Jesse, do you sell these?

"found a loophole" umm... if you're looking for loopholes to get out of doing religious things because you claim to be religious, you're not.

No loophole found, asshole found - they were probably talking to a junky on the street and they said "shove it up your ass for a faster high"
Anyone else have this issue? I’m following and subbed to tucker and never get notifications or even have it show up on my main feed. Always have to search it out. No other podcast it does this with.

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