I just finished binge watching Vikings…
Never Seen it.I just finished binge watching Vikings…
Read that. It was crazy the way the bear went after her.This is some crazy shit
California woman was harassed by aggressive black bear she named ‘Big B---ard’ before fatal mauling in home
The California woman who is the first documented case of a fatal black bear mauling in the state was repeatedly harassed by the bear before her death.www.foxnews.com
Or they did and it’s a warning.
Funny too how they are all making a big deal about him flubbing Ronny Jackson’s name by saying Ronny johnson. As if that’s such a big deal.so completely stupid
Is that common spelling?Well, yeah, Jackson and Johnson is clearly the same thing as "aseemfhuuthimaafuutheemscuseme"
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Welp so much for talking the wife into retiring in Nevada. She was a OR nurse at Northridge hospital when the Northridge quake hit.Interesting read about Nevada and earthquakes
Nevada has 3rd-most earthquakes in the country
Nevada is the nation’s third-most earthquake active state, behind Alaska and California, the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology reports.www.reviewjournal.com