Random Internet Shit you've come across

I do as well - at least the Democrats tell you how they want to fuck everybody.

Not that it matters, but I cancelled my Republican party membership. Fuck these guys.

And I'm no recruiter, but hard to argue with this platform.


Who knows, maybe someday we'll manage to take control back
I voted Libertarian for President in every election since Trump first ran. Certainly the Libertarian platform is the best. Other than that, I vote on a case by case basis, but primarily Republican.
I voted Libertarian for President in every election since Trump first ran. Certainly the Libertarian platform is the best. Other than that, I vote on a case by case basis, but primarily Republican.
I used to notice that as we got older and wiser and more mature that we gravitated towards being a little more Conservative, or what we see as Libertarian on the political spectrum nowadays.
Also from my observations from having come of age and grown up down South I have noticed that what were considered Southern Democrats and Republicans have become todays definition of Libertarian, the Republicans have turned into Democrat mindset from that era, and the Democrats have turned into the Communists that we fought against back then.
Must be something in the water that has stopped this maturing process and turned a lot of adults into the clowns that they are.🤷‍♂️
Pretty sure Tesla would be tits up too if Elon weren’t running it. Have dug in to it but I’d bet that it’s not profitable.
Why don’t we just get our numbers stamped on our foreheads?🤷‍♂️
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