Most Americans today have a distorted idea of what early Americans and our Founding Fathers were really like. They were NOT moderates and they did not believe in being politically ‘reasonable’. Most of the Founders are spinning in their graves- in part because of what spineless non-committed wimps most Americans have become, but also because we have become a Nation of Light Weights.

While the Founders were writing the Declaration and the Constitution they were pounding booze. Fact.
Check these out.
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Story here:
When the "Founding Fathers" weren't revolting against British rule, they were doing what under current societal norms would qualify as some very heavy drinking.
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Story here:
These men drank so much, poems were written about it.
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Story here:
The Villain of the Fourth of July On Independence Day, you won’t see Americans toast the United States with mugs of tea. Hot weather aside, tea is the villain of Fourth of July celebrations.While the holiday honors the Declaration of Independence, the Boston Tea Party is one of many...
This quote from the story made me laugh:
“ Visitors to America often took notice of how much colonists drank, and were impressed that they “could imbibe heavily without the appearance of intoxication.” Even though substantial alcohol consumption was socially acceptable, alcohol abuse was viewed as a moral failing and “offenders” faced punishment and public humiliation. One Massachusetts tavern went as far as posting a list of men who had been accused of public drunkenness on their front door. ”