Question: Paint doors or not to paint


New member
I just got a set of full doors to my half door jeeps. Now I am set for all seasons. However, I can't make a decisions whether I should paint the doors to match the jeep or leave them black.

What do you think? ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1450666648.267022.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1450666662.004489.jpg
My dad just bought half doors and he got them wrapped with vinyl. Looks really good and was about a quarter of the cost.
Paint them. You can even use a bed-liner or textured paint. If that were mine, I'd do paint to match.
Get it factory color matched. IMO they look stupid black. If it was a black grill on the other hand then I would say leave it.
i say pain the or wrap them to color match. it will make for a cleaner looking rig. :thumb: oh and if you ever want to get rid of the half doors i will take them off your hands!
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Any information that you can share about the wrapping idea? I have never heard of it. Thanks!

The place that did ours did a great job. The half doors were black and they wrapped them white. They even did the door hinges. It's not a perfect match but most wouldn't be able to tell. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1450729441.708352.jpg

We were quoted $1700 to paint them and that's mainly labor to take off all of the plastic and moldings. We paid $500 for the wrap. I would think since silver is a very common color that it wouldn't be that difficult to find a close match.
The place that did ours did a great job. The half doors were black and they wrapped them white. They even did the door hinges. It's not a perfect match but most wouldn't be able to tell. View attachment 178912

We were quoted $1700 to paint them and that's mainly labor to take off all of the plastic and moldings. We paid $500 for the wrap. I would think since silver is a very common color that it wouldn't be that difficult to find a close match.

Thank you!
I would paint or wrap them. I paid 500 for paint for my half doors, but I stripped them down and took them over with only the hinges on. I can see full doors being more expensive tho since they are larger. A wrap should be easy however since you would only be doing the outside of the door and they are flat.
Leave em. Unique look and now you can put that money elsewhere into something functional.

That idea is The reason why I am on the fence on this one. Although, I would rather spend the money on something functional; I didn't want to make the mistake not to paint them in the event that I would have to sell it. Decisions, decisions! Thank you!
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