Question for those of you with kids?

Had the Keyfit 30 and really liked it. Now we have this Britax one since he's a bit older. Both fit in the middle just fine and both seats can go all the way back. If it's behind a seat, you can't go all the way back. Not a big deal when wife is short.

Looking at this picture it looks like you are using the latch system in the middle seat. Don't do that. It actually tells you in the owners manual not to. For the latch system to work right the clips need to be a certain distance apart. The middle seat in a jk isn't wide enough to put the latch clips far enough apart. If you use middle for car seat you need to use the seatbelt, not latch.
Diono with a spacer. It's expensive but read the reviews on Amazon. People talking about being sideswiped in a maxima. It's a nice seat and there's a spacer pad that lifts it a bit so it doesn't jam the front seat.
Looking at this picture it looks like you are using the latch system in the middle seat. Don't do that. It actually tells you in the owners manual not to. For the latch system to work right the clips need to be a certain distance apart. The middle seat in a jk isn't wide enough to put the latch clips far enough apart. If you use middle for car seat you need to use the seatbelt, not latch.

I had no idea. Owners manual of the car seat I presume? So why would there be latches if they aren't far enough apart?
I had the same problem, my daughter was born 4 months ago and I tried to put the seat in but it was way too big so I ended up taking my other commuter car, even then it was still a hassle. Either way congrats and good luck finding the seat!
I will highly recommend "Sunshine Kids Radian" I could'nt find any infomation on it since "Diono Radian" comes up instead, so I guess they changed the name or got bought out. I never got to mount it rearfacing since the kiddo was to big. What had me sold on this car seat was this was the "Screaming Kid Seat". While on a long road trip, we noticed any child sitting in this seat wouldn't fuss and nap the longest. It wasn't till I pulled it apart to clean it the first time that I realized it was built like my ultra comfy $700 Arai motorcycle helmet. Cool gel memory foam, and sweat wick fabrics. Now I always feel the need to promote this car seat. It will make life soo much easier in the car/jeep...bed room;)
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