Purchased a Hybrid today.


New member
Yeah, let the flaming begin.

I still have both the Jeeps, but after putting a $100 in gas in this week I just couldn't take it anymore.

So I test drove a little 2 door Honda CR-Z EX and fell in love with it. Handles like a gocart, interior is fantastic and the instrument cluster is pretty cool.
2013 with 2,500 miles for $16,000.00 The amount I will save on gas each week will make the car payments for me.

Funny thing is twice now I've waved at JK's and they didn't even notice me. :tearsdrip:


Having never owned a car or anything that got good MPG I was a always a hybrid hater. And I still conform to the "no replacement for displacement" mentality.

That being said I picked up a little Honda a few months back and love the little thing. Seriously, nearly 40 mpg is awesome. It's also nice to keep my new jeep new and not rack up pointless commuting miles.
If you get one of these, you can be cool AND get good mileage! (Better mileage if I kept the front wheel on the ground)ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1409359400.439544.jpg

My ride- 2001 power wheel, 11" plastic tires, upgraded battery, boat sides, custom bumpers, tow hooks, new paint.
Nothing wrong with having a second car. I'd like one for when the jeep is getting worked on. I have a perfect picture about hybrids, but not sure if I should post it...
They are a neat car I test drove one once while in getting the wifes CRV worked on. Very peppy handles like you say, and I had no idea it was a hybrid wen my son and I took its out....first stop light the thing shuts off...the look on our faces was pretty funny thought I broke it.

Kinda of new day throw back to the old CRX.

They are a neat car I test drove one once while in getting the wifes CRV worked on. Very peppy handles like you say, and I had no idea it was a hybrid wen my son and I took its out....first stop light the thing shuts off...the look on our faces was pretty funny thought I broke it.

Kinda of new day throw back to the old CRX.


I have to admit I was giggling all night driving up in the mountains. Like playing a video game when you use the paddle shifters and in sport mode. Been a long time since I had a car that I could slam through corners with no body roll.
I have to admit I was giggling all night driving up in the mountains. Like playing a video game when you use the paddle shifters and in sport mode. Been a long time since I had a car that I could slam through corners with no body roll.

First you buy a hybrid and now you're giggling. We'll be keeping an eye on you lol :cheesy:
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