I have never once said that I did not participate in the election...of this President or any other. I have voted every single opportunity since I was 18, save an except for a couple of times in college three decades ago.
Lol. You think Im a Californian that moved to Nevada? Thats funny. I grew up in the the house that my great grand father built and my 85 year old dad grew up in, and still lives in. My dad and I both attended the same high school. My wife and her parents also attended that same high school. Our families have been in Reno since the 1880s. Our children are 4th generation Renoites on my side and 5th generation on my wifes side.
The Q movement is not a movement, it is a cult of fucking conspiracy idiots. Hows the basement of the pizza place...you know...the basement that doesnt exist? The tea party started out decently then, unfortunately like so many things, it was co-opted by too many racist fucks and ignorant people.
Im quite confident that I do more on a daily basis to combat constitutional injustices and government overreach than you have done in your entire life. But, then again, its hard to do much when your foil hat keeps slipping down over your eyes.
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Ok. Cool. First assessment, you say off 180 degrees.
How about this one. I've been around alot of attorney's. Remember... at alot of airports. They seem to say alot of words, but, never really state their personal stands, on anything.
So, maybe this is it... Your a conservative. Just never say anything bold about your positions. For fear your corporate clients, might read and disagree with your stance?
So, where do you stand on:
North Korea? Trump put that guy back in the box, at least for awhile.
Trade Tariff's? Something Trump did and at least started bringing good jobs back.
China? Should China be held accountable for the theft of American technology? The CCP, virus?
Federal tax cut? I saved $$$, in the first year of implementation.
Middle East wars, closed out? ISIS, destroyed, after Obama refused to do it?
Religious liberty? Should churches be exempt from Federal/State hiring laws regarding LGBTQABCXYZ?
Border Security?
Border wall?
How about just Trump's U.S.A., first agenda, in general?
Back to E-Verify, Should employer's be fined confiscatory fines for willfully hiring illegals? (I think they should)
The one thing I've read in your post's are a desire to reduce Natl. debt. And, possibly a return to States Rights. I agree completely on both. I think the Natl. debt ship has sailed.
We as a nation are in for a horrible adjustment in that regard.
I think the Taxed Enough Already, movement was righteous. I saw no evidence of "racism", in it.
Anytime a national movement starts up, there are always infiltrators.
Just trying to weigh evidence... You know, read and learn.
You know... Guys that drive trucks, or, say, fly airplanes, etc, are just... ignorant?
P.S. You say you do more on a daily basis to combat Constitutional injustices, and govt. overreach. Seriously, I applaud.
I think you will be extremely busy, IF they allow Biden to steal this election.