POLL : How do You Feel About Jeep Being Owned by the Chinese?

How do You Feel About Jeep Being Owned by the Chinese?

  • Makes no difference to me especially if they're cheaper

    Votes: 1 1.6%
  • So long as they're mostly made in the USA - I'd be okay with it

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • I would never buy another new Jeep if China owns the company

    Votes: 43 70.5%

  • Total voters
Not ok if China bought the entire company.
Not ok if China owns any portion of the company.
Not ok that parts come from China.
China IS the enemy of the free world. Don't kid yourself.
They owe the world everything for releasing, Covid.
Was hoping that you had crashed a plane or a truck or something. Too bad.
Yup I think we have unions to thank for that. A lot of these shitty workers that are lazy asses can get away with a lot and the employers cant do much about it. I've seen in first hand at one of the hospitals I work at.

It's now why Hostess is owned by the Gores Group.
Rant warning:
Crazy how China can dodge all of the super woke social justice warriors of the modern day. Name a single western social justice topic and you can be rest assured the Chinese Communist Party views do not align at all. I thought at least the SJWs and climate change activists would pressure china to make changes but I hear crickets. Meanwhile, corporations in western society will move mountains in order to please these groups. While we are all bickering over where the Allstar game will be hosted. China has slave labor camps, human organ harvesting, re-education camps, and active genocide!

China literally stole and copied the F-35 fighter jet! Simple math shows that every single man woman and child in America paid nearly $1k in taxes to develop the F-35 over 11 years. Don't worry soon American military-industrial complex will tax/print more money to develop a new fighter jet to counter China's newly acquired F-35 clones.

China isn't the new India or Taiwan they are the new USSR and they are winning the war that we don't even know we are in. Western societies have the attention span of goldfish while the CCP has laser-beam focus and full control of its assets. China already stands on our shoulders. One day they won't have to. I have no animosity towards the people of China the problem I have is defining a line between the citizens of China its corporations and the single-party government/military.
I think we'd see a major decrease in product quality if everything went over there, just look at what else they send our way. Toyota of fine but most of them here in the us are manufactured here. Having said that, ownership doesn't mean that will happen. Ultimately, and this is bigger picture, the US needs to stop selling their brands off to the Chinese state and find a way to be profitable here- across the board, not just Jeep (which I know we don't currently own anyway, but at least fiat was trying)
I really liked Sergio Marchionne and was sad when he died. I think he was a true car guy and really understood the Americanness of brands like Jeep. I'm not getting the same feel from the new French owners.
I feel like I’m living a lie everyday using non USA products... especially from the political Communist China. (Even though they seem to thrive on Capitalism)
I hear you on this. It really is a frustrating thing and there really is only so much you can do being that fewer and fewer non-China options are available.
Sure looks like spam but if it isn't, it's kinda disturbing to see.

View attachment 365555
If anyone is curious what the Belt and Road initiative is. In short, it's a global-scale supply chain project including building transportation and infrastructure to expand the CCPs trade. The CCP will offer small corrupt or struggling counties (mostly in Africa) large loans "for infrastructure" with full knowledge the countries will be extremely unlikely to pay them back in which turn China will seize land to pay back the debt. These ocean ports, logistic centers, railways, and airports are then at best exploited by the CCP for their own use or worse used as makeshift military bases to expand the CCP's influence in the region. As of now, the countries in Africa with the largest Chinese debt are Angola ($1.7 Billion), Ethiopia ($1 Billion), Zambia ($500 Million), the Republic of Congo ($500 Million), and Sudan (450 Million). In most of these cases, the people of these nations had little to no say in their government essentially selling its land to the Chines Communist Party. I guess recolonization is ok if you pay enough yuan.
They were just moved back to Detroit. Ours were the last ones built down there.
Heavy duty still comes from Saltillo mexico as well as some 1500 ram classics. Some other ram classics are out of warren an the new gen ram 1500 is Sterling heights.
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Where did this mindset go? Doesn’t seem to have lasted long… 🤬
Right ?! ‘16 JKs keeping it real…

My answer is: not good. If Jeep really goes this direction, I will do my best to keep swapping parts on my JK for the next 40 years.

It’s frustrating to work for a steel fabrication shop who buys American made steel and have to listen to wealthy owners of our customers companies talk about China emerging as a reliable producer of steel and prefabricated steel buildings.

Its like, dude, if it’s advertised as the ‘same thing’, but it’s waaaay cheaper, it’s either lower quality material, lower quality craftsmanship, or someone is getting paid slave wages to make it.
While someone here could be doing it safely for a fair wage.

I’m not against global trade in general. I’m against the mentality of finding the absolute cheapest option in order to amass personal wealth.

And man it would be nice if Jeeps could just be all American made and owned. I mean c’mon. We need one.
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The problem is not just American consumers that want lots of cheap stuff. It is also American CEO's that will go anywhere in the world to lower their costs and widen their profits to keep wealthy American shareholders happy.
Even if the CEO's had the desire to buy and build American, if the competition moves parts or production to China/Mexico, etc., then they are at a huge competitive disadvantage.
Then there are the Politicians that we all know who will whore themselves out to anyone.
The American worker, raising a family, is without any help in the battle.
The only thing he can do is buy American, any and every chance he can.
This is why the income gap is constantly widening between the working class and the investing class.
Money talks, and if the Chinese cough enough of it up Jeep will be owned by the Chinese, and probably made in China.
That will suck big time. Personally, if China buys Jeep the Cherokee and Wrangler we have now will be the last ones. I try to avoid buying China-made stuff now.
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Money talks, and if the Chinese cough enough of it up Jeep will be owned by the Chinese, and probably made in China.
That will suck big time. Personally, if China buys Jeep the Cherokee and Wrangler we have now will be the last ones. I try to avoid buying China-made stuff now.
Umm welcome
I would echo a lot of the sentiments already expressed. It would very likely be a no if the balance ratio flipped to where it was not only owned, but assembled, and the vast majority if not all parts came from China. So far no issues with my 18 JLU MT since purchased used last September.
Thought I heard some Jeeps for the Chinese market were made there.

Dunno what content/ other rules they have.
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