New member
You were right about the difficulty of getting the 4 front bumper inside mounting bolts on. I just did the second prefit with front skid fully attached and it is nearly impossible to get a wrench on those nuts, especially the top drivers side and top passenger side. The skid blocks most access to the inside mounting bolts but in the Rubicon, the sway bar disconnect motor is also in the way on the passenger side and the vacuum pump bracket is the problem as you noted on the driver's side. I almost got my hand stuck too. Not going to attempt those bolts until I have the bumper/skid painted and do the final install. I had to use an angle grinder to remove about 1/2" off the crash bar ends on both sides after which the bumper/skid fit perfectly. I think I can get the inside bolts on with a 3/8 drive ratchet and deep socket but it won't be easy.
Thanks for the heads up.
SORRY! I forgot to mention that a grinder would be necessary to take off part of the crash bar brackets. Others on here would tell you just to cut it off, but as you found out some grinding will make it work. Remember that it can be done. You will just need various extension lengths, elbow joints, and some very small hands. Consider the vacuum pump relocation kit, too. I wish I had. Buena suerte!!!