Please tell me I'm not the only one this happens to...


New member
I'm not sure if there are any threads about this already, a quick search didn't turn up anything.


The side windows on my soft top are constantly pulling themselves free in the corner and flapping around at high speed. It happens in both sides but it's more prominent on the driver side. Does this happen to anyone else? Any suggestions to fix it?

Thanks in advance!
Never. Are you installing it correctly?

Edit: Post a pic with the door open and the windows installed.
Yes I have the same issue, corners do not come forward enough and never get locked in between the door rubber and soft top frame. I do not see any adjustment to fix it either.
Mine did the same thing.. Use a heat gun to warm it up, then stretch it in place.. Either way mine never slid out while it was like that
It's installed correctly as far as I know.

View attachment 80040

It just doesn't grab as tight as it should.

This is incorrect. The hard edge should wrap all the way around and fold into the slot. Unvelcro all the way and unzip 3/4 of the way and pull your window forward until you have enough to slide in the slot. Then zip, velcro, and done.
Thanks! Turns out I did have them installed incorrectly. Derp. They're a lot better now, but not 100% just yet. The bottom of the window wraps around perfectly, the top still needs a few more millimeters of stretch. I'm hoping the sun and some warmer temperatures will help me out.

I can't get the tip to go in either like yours. But I don't have OEM soft top. I've tried laying it in the sun and using heat gun to no success. Hopefully someone can chime in with a good tip.

Sorry for stealing your post op.
Thanks! Turns out I did have them installed incorrectly. Derp. They're a lot better now, but not 100% just yet. The bottom of the window wraps around perfectly, the top still needs a few more millimeters of stretch. I'm hoping the sun and some warmer temperatures will help me out.

View attachment 80044

An easy way to install it that I figured out is when putting the windows back in zip about a 1/4 of the way first, then tuck in the part you were having issues with, once done tuck in the bottom of the window at the body, check the door part of the window to make sure it is still fully tucked in, finish zipping the window, then do the Velcro

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I do the same, although I zip just around the bend first. That part doesn't want to zip for me if I do the others first.
That used to happen to me all the time. I found out if I put the side windows in first so u can still move the corner part off the main top (by the tailgate) it will help. At least it did for me.
OEM top - This happens to me all the time. They pop out when I open the doors. It sucks. I might try the heat gun idea to make some stretch.
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