Pictures of any four doors on 37s

I apologize. I'll try to do a better job of comforming to the demands of society (primarily idiots) and being a politically correct cunt. Just like most of you guys.

You make it a point to keep this going when everyone else stops responding to you and in my opinion that just makes you a troll.

The fact that you can't recognize what's wrong with your principle here is disturbing. You're saying people can do whatever they want in this world as long as it doesn't effect you and the examples given were heroin use and dog fighting. Does that also mean that you'd ignore child abuse going on in a home where the victims had no voice for themselves? Not saying animals are as important as humans, just wondering what line exist where you decide to stop watching the world burn down around you.

Not that it really matters. You'll just continue on arguing your stupid shit to draw reactions from the rest of us, most likely because you're not getting the attention you feel you deserve at home and somehow this internet crusade will give you some satisfaction. It's just sad that you've chosen such a sick fucking topic to do it with. It'll be short lived though. Soon it'll be over and you'll have to go back to pulling the heads off of dolls and smearing your own shit on your face, or whatever it is sick fucks like you do.
You make it a point to keep this going when everyone else stops responding to you and in my opinion that just makes you a troll.

The fact that you can't recognize what's wrong with your principle here is disturbing. You're saying people can do whatever they want in this world as long as it doesn't effect you and the examples given were heroin use and dog fighting. Does that also mean that you'd ignore child abuse going on in a home where the victims had no voice for themselves? Not saying animals are as important as humans, just wondering what line exist where you decide to stop watching the world burn down around you.

Not that it really matters. You'll just continue on arguing your stupid shit to draw reactions from the rest of us, most likely because you're not getting the attention you feel you deserve at home and somehow this internet crusade will give you some satisfaction. It's just sad that you've chosen such a sick fucking topic to do it with. It'll be short lived though. Soon it'll be over and you'll have to go back to pulling the heads off of dolls and smearing your own shit on your face, or whatever it is sick fucks like you do.

Boom, roasted.
I've known people that fought dogs and it's disgusting. There's dog fighting advocates because dogs are voiceless victims. By minding your own business and looking the other way it's not only allowing for more fighting but it's ruining things for the apbt lovers that want nothing more than the breed to lose the stigma brought on by jackasses who fight them. I'm a proud owner of a apbt and know fully what the dog fighting has done for the breed.

You have valid points. The dog fighting and fighters of yesteryear were much different from those of today.

I'm not suggesting that if I saw 2 thugs abusing dogs, I'd just look away. But to act foolish over a photo of CH Jeep just as extreme. Just as lumping Carver and Crenshaw into a group with the "dogmen" of today.
You have valid points. The dog fighting and fighters of yesteryear were much different from those of today.

I'm not suggesting that if I saw 2 thugs abusing dogs, I'd just look away. But to act foolish over a photo of CH Jeep just as extreme. Just as lumping Carver and Crenshaw into a group with the "dogmen" of today.

The fact that you just drop names of fighting dogs and their piece of shit owners like they are US Presidents clearly shows your interest in and sympathy for these pieces of shit.
You make it a point to keep this going when everyone else stops responding to you and in my opinion that just makes you a troll.

The fact that you can't recognize what's wrong with your principle here is disturbing. You're saying people can do whatever they want in this world as long as it doesn't effect you and the examples given were heroin use and dog fighting. Does that also mean that you'd ignore child abuse going on in a home where the victims had no voice for themselves? Not saying animals are as important as humans, just wondering what line exist where you decide to stop watching the world burn down around you.

Not that it really matters. You'll just continue on arguing your stupid shit to draw reactions from the rest of us, most likely because you're not getting the attention you feel you deserve at home and somehow this internet crusade will give you some satisfaction. It's just sad that you've chosen such a sick fucking topic to do it with. It'll be short lived though. Soon it'll be over and you'll have to go back to pulling the heads off of dolls and smearing your own shit on your face, or whatever it is sick fucks like you do.

You're right. I should've stfu long ago.

My examples were extreme. No, I wouldn't ignore child abuse but I also wouldn't instantly assume someone is guilty of it without evidence. This shit started over a fucking avatar man. I posted 37s and had moved on. Next thing I know fuck me bc I'm a dogfighting asshole.

Whatever. Be glad you're not a shrink. Not even close.
The weather was bad the last coupla days. It's nice out today, so I won't the have time for this shit. I'll patrol the county on the lookout for people doing shit y'all wouldn't approve of if that makes it better.

I posted 37s and had moved on.

No, no you really didn't and clearly you never will. You came on here late last night or early this morning and posted some more of your dumb shit trying to justify your position. Everyone else here moved on and every time you respond trying to push your agenda more you validate my opinion that you're only here for attention. You're a troll. Fuck off.
Haven't had a chance to beat on them yet, but they balanced with little weight, and are really quiet (compared to my 35" mud grapplers )on the highway, hopefully get to test them out off road next week .
Just got them mounted today. 37x13.50 toyo rt's


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