Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

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Now, this isn't an indictment of all Handicapped drivers....

I've noticed this more and more lately.

The person/driver will go out of there way to park in a "Handicap" spot when there are spots open closer to the front door of the establishment.

I just watched this lady (in the white 300) pass up 5 spaces closer to the front door of Home Depot to park in "The Spot". She got out and strolled on in.

Home Depot Handicap Parking med  .jpg

Abuse of the handicap parking placard's around here pisses me off.
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Now, this isn't an indictment of all Handicapped drivers....

I've noticed this more and more lately.

The person/driver will go out of there way to park in a "Handicap" spot when there are spots open closer to the front door of the establishment.

I just watched this lady (in the white 300) pass up 5 spaces closer to the front door of Home Depot to park in "The Spot". She got out and strolled on in.

View attachment 96307

Abuse of the handicap parking placard's around here pisses me off.

Ever notice if you go to the vehicle and look at the picture on the placard.... its usually NOT the driver?

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People who only read half of what is said on forums then chew you out about it without getting all the facts...

Sent from my whatchamacallit
Back to Pet Peeves

Now, this isn't an indictment of all Handicapped drivers....

I've noticed this more and more lately.

The person/driver will go out of there way to park in a "Handicap" spot when there are spots open closer to the front door of the establishment.

I just watched this lady (in the white 300) pass up 5 spaces closer to the front door of Home Depot to park in "The Spot". She got out and strolled on in.

View attachment 96307

Abuse of the handicap parking placard's around here pisses me off.

Yeah this pisses me off to no end. I never really paid much attention to it before my dad had his stroke. I'm responsible for taking him to Dr's appointments and things. In large parking lots with ample spaces I have no problem parking in the back next to open spaces. It makes transfering him from the car to his wheel chair much easier without banging up the car next to me and I'm pushing him so its no big deal. In small lots with limited parking its nice to get a spot with the wheel chair access to accomplish the same thing. Unfortunately I see it all too often that people park there who appear to be perfectly ambulatory or, the worst, overweight merely to save walking 50 more feet. Also at my daughter's school parents dropping off their kids feel the blue spaces are there so they can drop off their kids. If I was a cop I'd just stand on the curb, wait and write tickets all day long for parking without a placard. Ok I'm done now...haha.

Sent from my EVO using WAYALIFE mobile app
Yeah this pisses me off to no end. I never really paid much attention to it before my dad had his stroke. I'm responsible for taking him to Dr's appointments and things. In large parking lots with ample spaces I have no problem parking in the back next to open spaces. It makes transfering him from the car to his wheel chair much easier without banging up the car next to me and I'm pushing him so its no big deal. In small lots with limited parking its nice to get a spot with the wheel chair access to accomplish the same thing. Unfortunately I see it all too often that people park there who appear to be perfectly ambulatory or, the worst, overweight merely to save walking 50 more feet. Also at my daughter's school parents dropping off their kids feel the blue spaces are there so they can drop off their kids. If I was a cop I'd just stand on the curb, wait and write tickets all day long for parking without a placard. Ok I'm done now...haha.

Sent from my EVO using WAYALIFE mobile app

Had a family member who did that using his wife's pass after her back surgery. Pissed me off if I rode with him and I hated to even have to get out of the car.
Approximately 68,000 wannabes who buy $400 tickets so they can pretend to make a statement against capitalism and civilization by getting dirty and doing drugs for a week in the Nevada desert.
What pisses me off is....Stupid, idiotic, liberal democrats who lie, steal, and cheat you & me out of every dollar they can get from us. Absolutely F**K those bastards, their agendas, politics, their anti-GOD, anti-Guns, and anti-Values view of America! They are corrupt, hypocrites, and need to be voted out!
I hate them, every one of them! Here is just one reason why, cap and trade!
What pisses me off is....Stupid, idiotic, liberal democrats who lie, steal, and cheat you & me out of every dollar they can get from us. Absolutely F**K those bastards, their agendas, politics, their anti-GOD, anti-Guns, and anti-Values view of America! They are corrupt, hypocrites, and need to be voted out!
I hate them, every one of them! Here is just one reason why, cap and trade!

Thou shalt not hate. ;)
These things really burn me...

I can't stand pharmaceutical advertisements.

I hate how in Florida every billboard is that of a lawyer.

I hate Florida drivers; they are either too old to be driving or too incompetent to drive safely or too poor to have a safely operating vehicle.

I am annoyed at all of the ignorant people who choose to stay ignorant.

I hate liberals.

I can't stand mothers that send their middle school daughters to school with make up and provocative clothing.

I can't stand anyone that willingly drives a hybrid.

I hate the humidity and the damn bugs in FL.

I do not tolerate others that have to put people down in order to maintain their own self esteem.

I'm highly annoyed by all of the dumb asses in Ferguson, MO.

I hate gas stations that advertise "cash" prices instead of one price for everyone.

IGNORANCE, LAZINESS AND POVERTY. These are all issues related to the choices that one makes. It's no one elses fault that one may be in that position. For those of us that work our asses off for our family, our toys, etc...fuck those that think that they are entitled to the same without getting their hands dirty.

.....whew! :idontknow: I feel so much better! Thanks guys.
Thou shalt not hate. ;)

......unless it is a refined, pin point focused with precision kind of hate that is controlled like a light switch = on/off! Then that is a skill, an art, and a gift.......

Although, "Kill them all, and then break all their shit" works too sometimes. Just saying :idontknow:
......unless it is a refined, pin point focused with precision kind of hate that is controlled like a light switch = on/off! Then that is a skill, an art, and a gift.......

Although, "Kill them all, and then break all their shit" works too sometimes. Just saying :idontknow:

You're right. I guess the shotgun theory doesn't always apply adequately. :hmm:
I don't know if anyone else loves this statement. but it's my signature now.

Thank you.


Zoom in on the blade ;)


A bit agressive, maybe......but there are certain occasions where you have to set the tone. For other occasions, a nice hug works wonders!
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