Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

Theres a Jeepster at a farm down the road. Asked the owner about it 2 yrs ago.
Hes done nuthing with it.

Yeah, kind of a peeve.
Letting stuff rot away.

Fast food peeve? Not worth the hassle.
Just give em 10 bucks and say " gimme whatever you want " ( theyll fugg it up anyway ).

Live near a major road in town. So many dumbasses on their phones. Or w pets on laps. 80 percent of inattentive Ive seen.....women. and half of em young ones.
People who drive around with their hazards on for no good reason. Hazards aren't for when it rains, they aren't for when you want to drive slow, you don't use them because your in traffic. Just because your jalopy has 2 under inflated donuts doesn't mean you drive every where with your hazards on. If your hazards are on and your passing other traffic then there is a very good chance that your not in hazard. Are you signaling too change lanes? Because I can't tell when your damn hazards are on!

Wow OK, I feel better now.
Bought some ammo today because of the “Sale”.. yeah, nah.. still got bent over.. But the worst was the dude behind me in line.. Military, stationed here… no CA ID.. couldn‘t buy ammo. It’s Ok to put his life on the line.. but not allowed to buy Ammo. Fuckin Joke.
You fucking serious? He have Military ID? Fucking California.
You fucking serious? He have Military ID? Fucking California.
Yup..Military ID.. I overheard the sales guy say he had to have a firearm registered in CA.. which didn’t even make sense. The dude doesn’t live here.. I should of bought it for him, but I turned around and he was gone.. and I was still trying to wrap my brain around how much I had just spent. Such bullshit.
It’s that stupid! I have handed my military ID for cigarettes and have been told I need a state ID. I said that’s federal and completely valid, the birthday is on the back. I don’t give my Ca ID because it’s buried in a pocket of my wallet that is hell to get it out. I have only had to take it out a few times in the past year.
%#?$&! Christmas lights!!!! 😡

Last year I tossed the remaining incondesant mini-light strings and bought a bunch of LED strings at a fairly hefty price tag. Surely, it was a wise investment because the bulbs won’t burn out in my lifetime. Nope! I get done lighting the tree and, sure as shit, 30 mins later I have two strings with only 50% of the lights working. 🤬
%#?$&! Christmas lights!!!! 😡

Last year I tossed the remaining incondesant mini-light strings and bought a bunch of LED strings at a fairly hefty price tag. Surely, it was a wise investment because the bulbs won’t burn out in my lifetime. Nope! I get done lighting the tree and, sure as shit, 30 mins later I have two strings with only 50% of the lights working. 🤬
They're stuck in flicker mode, 1/2 lit, 1/2 unlit........
%#?$&! Christmas lights!!!! 😡

Last year I tossed the remaining incondesant mini-light strings and bought a bunch of LED strings at a fairly hefty price tag. Surely, it was a wise investment because the bulbs won’t burn out in my lifetime. Nope! I get done lighting the tree and, sure as shit, 30 mins later I have two strings with only 50% of the lights working. 🤬
Lol.. went through this a couple days ago... Voltage Tester and some Whiskey got it fixed.
The IRS… I’ve had the hardest damn time just trying to change my address in their system. They’ve been sending all of my mail to my old address even though I’ve been on the phone with them for hours…. At the end of being on the phone with them for hours through countless different departments over the past few days, I still had to send in a change of address form.
Dogs off leash that run up to my German shepherd……then the idiot owners are angry when my shepherd drops them to the ground defending me. In my own yard, with my dog on a leash. Keep your dog on a leash around other dogs, unless you want those of us with larger dogs to let ours off.….
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