Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

Actually, I understand a little.
An attempt at saving the flawless body panels on a what looks like a SS Camaro.
I've had fat chick's push their door hard into the side of my pickup while I'm sitting in it. Then I'm the insensitive bad guy for telling them to stop.
And, maybe suggesting they loose some weight...
It was an RS. 😂
place an order, FedEx supposedly picks it up, receive multiple emails stating delivery date, multiple emails the day before "getting delivered tomorrow" then...

"No scheduled delivery date available at this time."

WTF 🤬🤬

Redlands, CA US

Label Created​

6/25/2022 21:29

6/27/2022 00:00

Departed FedEx location
6/27/2022 13:39


No scheduled delivery date available at this time.
place an order, FedEx supposedly picks it up, receive multiple emails stating delivery date, multiple emails the day before "getting delivered tomorrow" then...

"No scheduled delivery date available at this time."

WTF 🤬🤬

Redlands, CA US

Label Created​

6/25/2022 21:29

6/27/2022 00:00

Departed FedEx location
6/27/2022 13:39


No scheduled delivery date available at this time.
Even though FedEx has an atrocious delivery record, since they have subcontracted a LOT of it out they have gotten even WORSE.

The subcontractors don't always scan, never knock, and seem to leave packages on the truck for return to the docks almost constantly, then you get the awesome "Delivery Exception" notice and you don't know where it went and when it will get delivered.
Even though FedEx has an atrocious delivery record, since they have subcontracted a LOT of it out they have gotten even WORSE.

The subcontractors don't always scan, never knock, and seem to leave packages on the truck for return to the docks almost constantly, then you get the awesome "Delivery Exception" notice and you don't know where it went and when it will get delivered.
FedEx is bad but, around here nobody is worse than USPS. They deliver everyone's mail and packages to the wrong address all the time. I've had bills never arrive. Luckily, I live in a rural area where everyone just stops by and gives you your stuff that was delivered to them. Guess it gives us all a reason to say hello to each other...
FedEx is bad but, around here nobody is worse than USPS. They deliver everyone's mail and packages to the wrong address all the time. I've had bills never arrive. Luckily, I live in a rural area where everyone just stops by and gives you your stuff that was delivered to them. Guess it gives us all a reason to say hello to each other...

My Government Mail Service works when they want to. We NEVER get service on Wednesday anymore. We have had full weeks where we got nothing. I signed up for the email service, and everyday I don't get the mail I'm supposed to I check the box next to it on their site.

When asked why no delivery, the station manager replies "they're delivering your mail" and yet she always goes back and finds a stack for that week for our address. Just about ready to use the customer service portion of the USPS website and report them.
The price of aftermarket jeep parts. I haven't really been pursuing builds because I've been so busy, but just got a magazine in the mail. Aftermarket parts have gotten crazy expensive.
No kidding. Check out GenRight. Always were sky high but, wow!
I know they are top quality but I'm thinking everything has its limit. I think they are all gonna notice "demand destruction", soon.
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