Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?


The whole process sucks. Airports seem to attract ignorant people and they lose what miniscule amount of manners they have. :grayno:

* dumbasses get in line a half an hour before boarding actually starts and half of them are boarding zone 5. Umm, your seat is guaranteed dumbass. No one's gonna take it and the plane ain't leaving without ya.
What's the big hurry to get in the most uncomfortable seats known to man?
* when you get to your seat and the jokers sitting in the rear of the plane have already put their goddam carry on above your seat. Asshole - you already made it to the plane carrying the damn thing - I think you can
make it a few more steps to where you're actually sitting
* numbnuts start standing up in the aisles before the jetways are on the jet and stand in the aisles for 15 minutes before de-planing.
* the look you get when you ask someone 10 seats behind you to please pass your carryon up to you because some dumb fucker took the space above your seat for their shit.

The whole process sucks. Airports seem to attract ignorant people and they lose what miniscule amount of manners they have. :grayno:

* dumbasses get in line a half an hour before boarding actually starts and half of them are boarding zone 5. Umm, your seat is guaranteed dumbass. No one's gonna take it and the plane ain't leaving without ya.
What's the big hurry to get in the most uncomfortable seats known to man?
* when you get to your seat and the jokers sitting in the rear of the plane have already put their goddam carry on above your seat. Asshole - you already made it to the plane carrying the damn thing - I think you can
make it a few more steps to where you're actually sitting
* numbnuts start standing up in the aisles before the jetways are on the jet and stand in the aisles for 15 minutes before de-planing.
* the look you get when you ask someone 10 seats behind you to please pass your carryon up to you because some dumb fucker took the space above your seat for their shit.

I effing HATE it. For all those reason listed. I’ll get in a helicopter or small plane for work no problem. The heights or eminent death feeling of flying isn’t the issue. It’s to be amongst Walmart shoppers in a confined space that freaks me the fuck out.

The whole process sucks. Airports seem to attract ignorant people and they lose what miniscule amount of manners they have. :grayno:


The airline companies too are a pain in the ass to deal with too. Last year my wife and I were about to get bumped off our flight going on a ski trip to Montana because they OVERBOOKED their flight. Why in hell would they do that??? Last time we are flying for a looooonnnnggggg time...

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The whole process sucks. Airports seem to attract ignorant people and they lose what miniscule amount of manners they have. :grayno:

* dumbasses get in line a half an hour before boarding actually starts and half of them are boarding zone 5. Umm, your seat is guaranteed dumbass. No one's gonna take it and the plane ain't leaving without ya.
What's the big hurry to get in the most uncomfortable seats known to man?
* when you get to your seat and the jokers sitting in the rear of the plane have already put their goddam carry on above your seat. Asshole - you already made it to the plane carrying the damn thing - I think you can
make it a few more steps to where you're actually sitting
* numbnuts start standing up in the aisles before the jetways are on the jet and stand in the aisles for 15 minutes before de-planing.
* the look you get when you ask someone 10 seats behind you to please pass your carryon up to you because some dumb fucker took the space above your seat for their shit.

I effing HATE it. For all those reason listed. I’ll get in a helicopter or small plane for work no problem. The heights or eminent death feeling of flying isn’t the issue. It’s to be amongst Walmart shoppers in a confined space that freaks me the fuck out.

I don't fly anymore for many of the reasons stated. Can't stand it. Along with a full sexual assault by the blue-shirts before you get on a plane because your energy drink, shoes, or laptop might possibly explode.

The whole process sucks. Airports seem to attract ignorant people and they lose what miniscule amount of manners they have. :grayno:

* dumbasses get in line a half an hour before boarding actually starts and half of them are boarding zone 5. Umm, your seat is guaranteed dumbass. No one's gonna take it and the plane ain't leaving without ya.
What's the big hurry to get in the most uncomfortable seats known to man?
* when you get to your seat and the jokers sitting in the rear of the plane have already put their goddam carry on above your seat. Asshole - you already made it to the plane carrying the damn thing - I think you can
make it a few more steps to where you're actually sitting
* numbnuts start standing up in the aisles before the jetways are on the jet and stand in the aisles for 15 minutes before de-planing.
* the look you get when you ask someone 10 seats behind you to please pass your carryon up to you because some dumb fucker took the space above your seat for their shit.

You forgot to mention the joys of getting wedged in the middle seat between two 350 lb “average” size Americans.
I don't fly anymore for many of the reasons stated. Can't stand it. Along with a full sexual assault by the blue-shirts before you get on a plane because your energy drink, shoes, or laptop might possibly explode.

Same here. Haven’t been in a commercial plane for 8 years. The continental US has plenty of cool shit that I want to see and I enjoy driving. I have zero desire to fly anywhere.
I don't fly anymore for many of the reasons stated. Can't stand it. Along with a full sexual assault by the blue-shirts before you get on a plane because your energy drink, shoes, or laptop might possibly explode.

I do have to say that I've never had an issue with any TSA agent at any airport. I don't know if I'm just lucky or the fact that I don't fly that much - maybe 2-4 times a year.

You forgot to mention the joys of getting wedged in the middle seat between two 350 lb “average” size Americans.

Haha, so true - did you ever get a seat beside a 5' skinny woman? Never!

Same here. Haven’t been in a commercial plane for 8 years. The continental US has plenty of cool shit that I want to see and I enjoy driving. I have zero desire to fly anywhere.

I will only fly for business. If I can drive to my destination in 5 hours or less,, no contest I'm driving. Its a shame, because I actually enjoy the flying aspect. Add people into the mix and its a big NOPE!
Two nights in a row I'm filling up gas at this station where its $0.40 cheaper than any where around. Each night its packed with cars waiting to fill up. Both nights, I see people sitting around in their cars like it's a park bench hanging out with the passenger in the car. Then finally get out after I've still been sitting around to finally go in, pay for gas, and start pumping. Oblivious.

Not sure what it is, wonder if this was taking place in 1930 also. As soon as that key is turned over and people are behind a wheel of a vehicle...frontal lobe turns off.
The fact that everything on Jeeps these days is metric, but aftermarket companies still use standard fasteners.
I’ve gotten to plumb two football players houses, both were really nice guys and one guy was huge!

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Of course there's the rare asshole ones (the only ones that get reported on), but most players do end up being great guys. I've had so many coaches over the years that I will always respect for the standards and ethics they brought to coaching. Most of that transfers directly to the players. I've had some interesting conversations with pro players I've met over the years.

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