Now, I know this has been posted before but SELF-CHECKOUT at stores, that shit really pisses me off! I especially hate it when there is only one or no humans attending an actual register.

I mean really, if I have to do the work myself, I should I be entitled to some kind of discount!! But really, the thing that really bugs me the most about them, are the people who use them as MOST either don't know how to use them, are extremely slow and or always have an item that locks up the system requiring someone to help them or all of the above!! And let's be honest, how many times have you been standing in line with all the self check stands lit up with red lights and with customers just waiting for help to come??
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Clearly, long gone are the days when you'd go to somewhere like a grocery store and be mesmerized by the efficiency of the bag boy or bag girl who had one hand in a paper bag and the the other flipping cans and boxes into it at breakneck speed. At the risk of sounding old, I sure miss the good ol' days.