Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

Black Friday/ Cyber Monday emails from companies like PODS. Are there really potential customers that impulsive out there?

"Honey, how do you feel about moving? I know we haven't talked about it, mortgage rates are really high, home prices are nuts, and we can't afford to feed the kids, but PODS just sent out a 15% savings email. But we have to use it by today."
Found a new driving pet peeve that I'm suddenly seeing a lot of around me lately... people driving well under the speed limit on single lane rural state highway (like around 45-50 in a 55, on a road where most typically drive 65+); which is annoying but somewhat common... but then the pet peeve part... come into a town where the speed limit drops to 35 then 25, and that same person continues at the same exact speed; sometimes even passing people that are now in front of them because they slowed down. I don't get it... they have their speeding priorities totally backwards, lol.
Found a new driving pet peeve that I'm suddenly seeing a lot of around me lately... people driving well under the speed limit on single lane rural state highway (like around 45-50 in a 55, on a road where most typically drive 65+); which is annoying but somewhat common... but then the pet peeve part... come into a town where the speed limit drops to 35 then 25, and that same person continues at the same exact speed; sometimes even passing people that are now in front of them because they slowed down. I don't get it... they have their speeding priorities totally backwards, lol.
I'm with you on that one. Or those pulling a trailer which pass everyone through town only to go slow again. Hwy 395 used to be real bad but it's a lot better now that most of it is 2 lanes. CHP love to post up right on the edge of town and get those speeding into or out of town.
Found a new driving pet peeve that I'm suddenly seeing a lot of around me lately... people driving well under the speed limit on single lane rural state highway (like around 45-50 in a 55, on a road where most typically drive 65+); which is annoying but somewhat common... but then the pet peeve part... come into a town where the speed limit drops to 35 then 25, and that same person continues at the same exact speed; sometimes even passing people that are now in front of them because they slowed down. I don't get it... they have their speeding priorities totally backwards, lol.
I'll run into them around where I live also. I call them "one-speed wonders".
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