I do not believe Donald Trump has lived his life mostly in a way that could be described as completely moral. Far from it. But, guess what, neither have I, and neither has anyone reading this post. Nobody, man or woman, on this earth, can live up to GOD'S standard of morality. That is why we all need the free gift of salvation, through the sacrifice, of the ONE person, who DID live up to that standard. JESUS CHRIST.
Now, as far as DJT's, character, from what I have read, he has some good traits, among many flaws. I've read that he is extremely loyal to those who have been loyal to him. He seems to love his family, at least his children and their spouses. He served his nation without taking his Presidential salary. I believe he truly does put this nation ahead of any other. (Unlike the despicable RINO's, and democrats.) So, that would make him a patriot in my view.
What I have to do, as a Christian, is choose the best candidate to move the nation in the direction of what is clearly, GODS, design, plan, and will. So, that means his policies are what I look at. Do I think I want him as my pastor? Clearly, no. But, as I've stated before, sometimes GOD uses the most unlikely characters to accomplish his will.
Now... You can quit posting about this election, and DJT, if you want. But, you cannot erase what has happened in the 2020 election. The nation has crossed a line that probably cannot be corrected. Too many, working class, conservative, men and women, are convinced that they have been betrayed. The RINO's, if not completely purged from the GOP, have doomed it. The wreckage left behind is nearly unrepairable. So... where does that leave us?
I pray that it can be fixed, every day.
Now... As many have rudely, asked, maybe I should quit posting not only on this subject, but, on this forum as well. It seems that hardly anyone here agrees with my Christian position. Or, they are afraid to speak up. I truly hope I am wrong.