Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

People who disregard the fact that a lot of fresh produce (and a lot of other products) now come in resealable "zip lock" bags, but they still open the fucking things like they're cave people who haven't eaten in a week. Now the handy resealable bag is worthless and I have to get another zip lock bag to put the shit away.

Wife - if you're reading this, yes, this is directed at you :mad:
People who disregard the fact that a lot of fresh produce (and a lot of other products) now come in resealable "zip lock" bags, but they still open the fucking things like they're cave people who haven't eaten in a week. Now the handy resealable bag is worthless and I have to get another zip lock bag to put the shit away.

Wife - if you're reading this, yes, this is directed at you :mad:

I’ll bet your fridge, like mine, has several partially full jars of spaghetti sauce. People in my house never think to check the fridge before opening a new jar. [emoji37]
People who disregard the fact that a lot of fresh produce (and a lot of other products) now come in resealable "zip lock" bags, but they still open the fucking things like they're cave people who haven't eaten in a week. Now the handy resealable bag is worthless and I have to get another zip lock bag to put the shit away.

Wife - if you're reading this, yes, this is directed at you :mad:

I’ll bet your fridge, like mine, has several partially full jars of spaghetti sauce. People in my house never think to check the fridge before opening a new jar. [emoji37]


Also not opening the box of cereal by sliding a finger under the cardboard thus tearing the shit out of the top not allowing it to close properly. Followed by opening the entire top of the plastic bag inside creating the possibility of a cereal explosion all over the counter.

Also not opening the box of cereal by sliding a finger under the cardboard thus tearing the shit out of the top not allowing it to close properly. Followed by opening the entire top of the plastic bag inside creating the possibility of a cereal explosion all over the counter.

:cheesy: Yes! This too!
My wife opens up cereal boxes and chip bags and it looks like goddam dogs attacked it.
When your selling something and make plans with them, rush home then they never show up or reply back to you.

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I don't know what the hell it is, but Colorado Springs has the most flakey Craigslisters I've ever seen. The one that really floored me was when a guy called me back about a FREE tire and said he had noticed it was 8 miles to my house so he was going to pass on it.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using WAYALIFE mobile app
When your selling something and make plans with them, rush home then they never show up or reply back to you.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app

I don't know what the hell it is, but Colorado Springs has the most flakey Craigslisters I've ever seen. The one that really floored me was when a guy called me back about a FREE tire and said he had noticed it was 8 miles to my house so he was going to pass on it.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using WAYALIFE mobile app

Same up here. We had one recently where we were late somewhere because we were waiting for some jackass that never showed up. It was a 20 dollar item so finally I just left it on the front porch with a note saying to leave the money under the mat. We got home later that night and the item was still there. No call, text, nothing. Then the next day he had the nerve to text me again asking it was available. I just told him no. No time for that bullshit.
Oh hell yeah! I hate selling shit on Craigslist. Looks like people are the same everywhere! They worry the piss out of you and want something for nothing then don’t show up, no texts or calls like they fell off the face of the earth.


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My wife listed a book shelf on Facebook for sale. Book shelf was new, after getting it in the house she decided she didn't like the way it looked. ( I'm sure none of you have ever had this issue before 🙄) anyway.... Decides to sell the $450 bookshelf for $300 and every jackass that messaged her about it was offering between $50 -$150 and wanted it delivered on the other side of Houston an hour and a half away. WTF??

Ended up selling it to a friend who insisted on paying the full $300 so I delivered it in my truck and helped them set it up in their house.

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Based on my experiences with the fucknuts on Craigslist, I'd rather burn or throw away the shit I'm trying to get rid of rather than deal with them. Someone's always trying to trade some nonsense bullshit item totally irrelevant to what you're trying to get rid of. The last straw for me was the guy that wanted to trade for my set of 5 OEM wheels/tires from my Jeep for a sawed off shot-gun. WTF? :thinking: Why would that even be a proposition?
Also, why do people merge on to the interstate at 50mph. It's a 75 zone by my house and people just tootle on down the ramp and pull into traffic at 50-60 mph. If you have that much time on your hands, take the damn back roads.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using WAYALIFE mobile app
Based on my experiences with the fucknuts on Craigslist, I'd rather burn or throw away the shit I'm trying to get rid of rather than deal with them. Someone's always trying to trade some nonsense bullshit item totally irrelevant to what you're trying to get rid of. The last straw for me was the guy that wanted to trade for my set of 5 OEM wheels/tires from my Jeep for a sawed off shot-gun. WTF? :thinking: Why would that even be a proposition?

I dunno, that sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me. Unless the guy is a cop trying to sting you.
Also, why do people merge on to the interstate at 50mph. It's a 75 zone by my house and people just tootle on down the ramp and pull into traffic at 50-60 mph. If you have that much time on your hands, take the damn back roads.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using WAYALIFE mobile app

My JK with the 3.8 can’t get to 75 mph on an on ramp. [emoji26] You gotta cut a brother some slack. [emoji23]
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