Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

Someone in a car took the diesel pump in front of me, so I turned around to get to the one on the other side. Some dick pulled in front of me even though it was obvious what I was doing, then parked and went inside.

I turned around again to line up behind idiot #1, finally got my fuel, and as I was leaving the dick came out and just sat in his car eating. He never did get gas.
That was even more entertaining in the days before breakaway hoses.

It's hilarious to see the whole pump bouncing down the road🤣
That was even more entertaining in the days before breakaway hoses.

It's hilarious to see the whole pump bouncing down the road🤣
Taking my daughter to school one morning, I saw a fuel nozzle and hose laying in the gutter. If I had scene it sooner I'd have stopped and picked it up for some garage art...haha.

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That used to bug me when we had a diesel. Or when people park at a gas pump to eat at whatever fast food chain is attached to the station.

The gas station in kettleman city is the worst. When I was in the uhaul moving up here some dude was parked and inside at McDonald’s. He came out and pulled a Fucking laptop out of the truck and started using it. I yelled at him and he put it away and drove forward without looking at me. The guy at the next pump over was chuckling. Fucking assholes.

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The gas station in kettleman city is the worst. When I was in the uhaul moving up here some dude was parked and inside at McDonald’s. He came out and pulled a Fucking laptop out of the truck and started using it. I yelled at him and he put it away and drove forward without looking at me. The guy at the next pump over was chuckling. Fucking assholes.

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Been through there a couple times.

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Same BS just happened to me right now... She’s inside buying food. 2 diesel stations are out of order.... I see 2 regular pumps open. [emoji849]

Shit like that makes me just want to shove their pos out of the way.

Liking my freedom keeps me from doing it though.
Shit like that makes me just want to shove their pos out of the way.

Liking my freedom keeps me from doing it though.

Nah... lifes too short to get worked up over other peoples ignorance.... at least she hustled when she saw me.... and she was easy on the eyes. [emoji41]
Dumbasses in the Walmart auto center. Went by there for their free air after a weekend of wheeling two weekends ago. Conversation as follows:

Me: Y'all do free air checks here right?

Dumbass: uhh air checks?

Me: Yes airchecks, I need air in my tires. I had then aired down for trail riding and want them back at street pressure.

Dumbass: What kind of vehicle?

Me: It's a Wrangler

Dumbass: OH, that's a toyota right?

Me: ummm no, thats a jeep. You know top off doors off wrangler? I just need my tires aired up to 32 PSI

Dumbass: I mean yea we can do that but we won't go above the factory specs for the vehicle

Me: That's fine, factory calls for 35, I want 32.

Dumbass: okay pull to the first bay

Dumbass *fills tires*

Dumbass: okay, I put them all at 36 just to be on the safe side

Me: I thought you said you couldn't go over the factory recommendation, which is 35

Dumbass: we can't but these are big tires so I wanted to put some more in there for you to improve the sidewall thickness

Me: Well that much stupidity has given me Mesothelioma but thanks anyway
Dumbasses in the Walmart auto center. Went by there for their free air after a weekend of wheeling two weekends ago. Conversation as follows:

Me: Y'all do free air checks here right?

Dumbass: uhh air checks?

Me: Yes airchecks, I need air in my tires. I had then aired down for trail riding and want them back at street pressure.

Dumbass: What kind of vehicle?

Me: It's a Wrangler

Dumbass: OH, that's a toyota right?

Me: ummm no, thats a jeep. You know top off doors off wrangler? I just need my tires aired up to 32 PSI

Dumbass: I mean yea we can do that but we won't go above the factory specs for the vehicle

Me: That's fine, factory calls for 35, I want 32.

Dumbass: okay pull to the first bay

Dumbass *fills tires*

Dumbass: okay, I put them all at 36 just to be on the safe side

Me: I thought you said you couldn't go over the factory recommendation, which is 35

Dumbass: we can't but these are big tires so I wanted to put some more in there for you to improve the sidewall thickness

Me: Well that much stupidity has given me Mesothelioma but thanks anyway

Sorry to say, but you brought that on yourself! I don’t understand why you would even that?
Stupid people piss me off. A couple days ago, a prisoner stuck an apple up his ass because he had diarrhea and was tired of walking up to the bathroom. So the best idea he could come up with is to stick an apple up his ass so he would not have to poo so much.

I would think eventually enough pressure would build up that the apple would come screaming out of his ass like a Space X rocket.

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My recent peeve is the Kia Sorento commercial at Hell’s Revenge and a group of people cheering it on at the top. That’s pretty much cheering on a mini van/suv. Lame wannabe Jeep. Anyway I change the channel for a bit when that commercial pops up on tv.

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