Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

IDK. I think I’d prefer to have a nice dog on the plane in the seat next to me rather then most of the douchebags that are often on my flights.

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IDK. I think I’d prefer to have a nice dog on the plane in the seat next to me rather then most of the douchebags that are often on my flights.

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Mark it down, I agree with mike.

I’d rather have a dog than a kid or a fat bastard that should have purchased two tickets.
Mark it down, I agree with mike.

I’d rather have a dog than a kid or a fat bastard that should have purchased two tickets.

Oh Jesus. Americans are so huge now. Flying sucks because invariably you have some person next to you whose body is touching you for hours. 🤮
Oh Jesus. Americans are so huge now. Flying sucks because invariably you have some person next to you whose body is touching you for hours. 🤮

Granted, this is after your balls and butthole get fondled unconstitutionally before you get on the plane just to make sure you didn't stick a bomb in there. Of course this is for the benefit of other passengers along with your emotional support anaconda that you can't leave the house without melting down into a full-blown feminist, Plastic-hating, transgendered, save the world from white people, Starbucks drinking, illegals deserve a chance with everyone's money, yes I'll pay the 105 dollar checked bag fee type of people.


Edit: Somebody is bound to get offended. Trump. Hillary. Guns. Abortion, Bruce Jenner, etc.
Granted, this is after your balls and butthole get fondled unconstitutionally before you get on the plane just to make sure you didn't stick a bomb in there. Of course this is for the benefit of other passengers along with your emotional support anaconda that you can't leave the house without melting down into a full-blown feminist, Plastic-hating, transgendered, save the world from white people, Starbucks drinking, illegals deserve a chance with everyone's money, yes I'll pay the 105 dollar checked bag fee type of people.

View attachment 304832

Edit: Somebody is bound to get offended. Trump. Hillary. Guns. Abortion, Bruce Jenner, etc.

I’ll get in line for that, what airline do you use ?
Anyone who brings a non-service animal on an airplane. Sitting in the airport in LV, I am amazed at how many people are walking around "support" animals. If you can see, leave your fucking pet at home or drive to your destination. That's it, end of story. I don't give two fucks if your chinchilla makes your clit quiver so you want it in your lap when you fly, or if your days in 'Nam make you feel better if you have a goat with you.

Couldn't agree with you more.
I was going to bring my attack chicken with me to Iceland, but I got I a bad person for eating my support animal?....
Stepping in dog shit :mad:

You know whats going down about one nanosecond after the bottom of your shoe contacts the goddam turds too. Seems our brains can't send that signal back to your foot fast enough to "ABORT STEP - THERE'S A PILE OF SHIT DOWN THERE!"
Stepping in dog shit :mad:

You know whats going down about one nanosecond after the bottom of your shoe contacts the goddam turds too. Seems our brains can't send that signal back to your foot fast enough to "ABORT STEP - THERE'S A PILE OF SHIT DOWN THERE!"

I find cat shit even worse [emoji51] smells worse and a lot stickier. Stepping in shit in general is terrible!

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Young kid employee “can I do something else after lunch”.
Me boss “why”.
Kid “cause I don’t like the job I’m doing right now”.
Me boss “what??? No. Your hired to do a job assigned to you not you choosing what you want to do”

I hate wasting my time at work now at home I’ll waste all kinds of time.
Got to love the unintended consequences of the law that allows shit like this.
Back when they were called "seeing eye dogs" there was not a problem.

Once they went all PC and started calling them"service animals", it has all gone to shit.

Birds, lizzards, peacocks, goats, pigs, you name it and someone thinks they have the right to inconvenience the rest of us just so they can "feel good"

What a crock of shit

Just like the rest of the world the work service animals do is an EEO. "Seeing eye dog" eliminated said birds, lizards, peacocks, goats, pigs, and you name it.

Oh Jesus. Americans are so huge now. Flying sucks because invariably you have some person next to you whose body is touching you for hours. 🤮

I make them equally uncomfortable and a turn my head towards them and fall asleep with my mouth open. Have some hot sleeping breath. Probably smells better than whats hiding under that roll.

Granted, this is after your balls and butthole get fondled unconstitutionally before you get on the plane just to make sure you didn't stick a bomb in there. Of course this is for the benefit of other passengers along with your emotional support anaconda that you can't leave the house without melting down into a full-blown feminist, Plastic-hating, transgendered, save the world from white people, Starbucks drinking, illegals deserve a chance with everyone's money, yes I'll pay the 105 dollar checked bag fee type of people.

Edit: Somebody is bound to get offended. Trump. Hillary. Guns. Abortion, Bruce Jenner, etc.

Haha watching the loud lady get the pat down and freak out makes for great entertainment. I always stop at the grocery store and buy the largest zucchini or cucumber for a mid flight snack. I shove it down the front of my pants because I heard on the internet xrays cause cancer or something and I don't want it in my carry on. When I enter the body scanner it makes the TSA just as uncomfortable as I am getting the frisk. Try it its great entertainment.

Young kid employee “can I do something else after lunch”.
Me boss “why”.
Kid “cause I don’t like the job I’m doing right now”.
Me boss “what??? No. Your hired to do a job assigned to you not you choosing what you want to do”

I hate wasting my time at work now at home I’ll waste all kinds of time.

I'd say "Yeah, you know what? You can do something different after lunch. You can take the rest of the day off"
Kid: "Oh really that would be awesome. Thanks! How come?"
Me: "Because you're fired. Have a nice day..:)"
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