Personalized License Plates - What's Yours Say?


Grandpaps was BJH1, Navy Vet. I’m the same name but not jr, so BJH2, Navy Vet. I’ve had this plate on 7 vehicles. Probably get GobiBear his own plate, next year.

Via Satellite Uplink: LkYdEvIL
on the JKU - JEEEEP a tribute to my daughter's kindergarten teacher, and excellent teacher. My daughter's kindergarten teacher apologized if our child would have a heavy southern accent by the time she left kindergarten and would always comment how much she liked my JEEEEP lol

The JLU - IML0ST2 I have no sense of direction, don't follow me
GEN315. Genesis 3:15 was the first Messianic prophesy foretelling the coming of Christ and that He would destroy the works of Satan. It also alludes to the virgin conception and birth of the Messiah because the Seed would be the Seed of the woman, not of the man (Adam). It also says that the Messiah's victory will come at a cost (the serpent will bruise His heel) and that cost was His life via crucifixion. Good thing He didn't stay dead with His resurrection coming 3 days later.

Genesis 3:15 says,
"And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed;
He shall bruise your head,
And you shall bruise His heel.”

I know this is religious in nature, but you asked for what our plates say and what they mean. That is what my plates say and mean.

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