PEOPLE SUCK and that INCLUDES Off Roaders!!

Does anyone truly believe they will be punished outside of say maybe a couple thousand (if even that) dollar fine? I highly doubt it. First it’s California. Second to the court systems it’s a big piece of wood in the middle of the desert.
Story at the link has been updated:

Update May 16, 2024 – Following a press release and overwhelming response on social media, a visitor responsible for pulling down a 113-year-old historic salt tram tower on April 19, 2024 is taking full responsibility for their actions.

“We are grateful to the dozens of people who reached out to the park with information and for all the statements of support that we received from people who care about this place and its cultural resources,” said acting Superintendent Elizabeth Ibañez. “Although we would certainly prefer that this damage hadn’t happened, we are glad that the person who did this ultimately took responsibility for their actions and came forward.”

The individual responsible for pulling over the salt tram called the tip line provided in an earlier press release, stating that this was done during a time of desperation while being deeply stuck in mud, and that it wasn’t their intent to cause harm to the historic structure.

My point exactly.

Does anyone truly believe they will be punished outside of say maybe a couple thousand (if even that) dollar fine? I highly doubt it. First it’s California. Second to the court systems it’s a big piece of wood in the middle of the desert.

This person was an idiot and did damage but we as the pussified NPS are okay because they said sorry.
Yeah, nothing like getting caught to keep you honest. They knew it was only a matter of time before someone who recognized them turned them in. They should not be treated as if they did the right thing.
No kidding. If they were so upstanding they would have gone to the park ranger office or called them as soon as they got unstuck not a week later.
Does anyone truly believe they will be punished outside of say maybe a couple thousand (if even that) dollar fine? I highly doubt it. First it’s California. Second to the court systems it’s a big piece of wood in the middle of the desert.
Oh yeah, I know nothing substantial will be done. Would love to see some/any sort of action, but not holding my breath.
Been out of cell range for the last few days and just now catching up on this. Figures that the people responsible for this shit won't take responsibility for their actions. Rather than turn themselves in, they just remove their video.
Were older generations of wheelers in the 70's, 80's, 90's this destructive? Seems to happen a lot these days... and trash left behind.
It really is a sad testament of our times. There has been such a general coarsening of our culture that really seemed to kick off in the late nineties. People seem much more prone to stupid selfish look at me stunts. Guarantee this asshat was taping all of this with the intent of sharing with friends to get laughs. Wish I lived closer it would be a great gesture for a local 4x club to volunteer to help restore the damage.

Yes, unfortunately, older generations were just as bad, possibly worse. I think there's generally more awareness re the environment nowadays, but we were always packing shit out of the woods where we hunted. People threw trash over hillsides, old fridges & washers, nonsense like that. I think the fact that the population has grown since then is what makes it seem worse now, but the dumbass ratio is the same
Even in other countries.
That’s not the only problem in the Atacama Desert
Today on the trail, there are several designated primitive campsites. It has been dry for a while with some red flag warning days until we had a rainy couple of days. Then there are some dipshits who decide to leave a very hot smoldering fire… (my wife said that it was probably a taco or 4Runner person 😂) . Luckily we came across it as the wind started to pick up!
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