Passenger Side Lean

Got some pointers from someone on FB. They had me remove an upper control arm on the front and on the rear.

As soon as I removed a rear upper control arm it was no longer in a bind. Now it leans to the drivers side!

Damn it. So busy joking around about the notorious Jk lean we forgot to check off the basics. Yes always torque control arms and track bars at ride height. Sorry man could have saved you some adjustment time. Glad you got it figured out.

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It wasn't the control arm torque.... It was the length!

I had set my rear pinion angle then matched the length left to right on the upper arms.

Guess it didn't like having them matched!
Not much at all. Less than 1/4".

The mounts look right on.

I was shocked that it caused such a bind!
Even without coil overs the lean happens. I load my tools and recovery gear heaviest items accordingly to help compensate. Whatever you do don’t blame your wife for it. Not a good idea at all even jokingly.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app Anvil has the exact same starboard side list...and it was pretty dead even when I first got does help with right hand cornering though...
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