Parts for sale in AZ

Hello.. I am Marc. I live in Arizona. I like the outdoors. Nice to meet you all.

You all are kidding me right? Trying to sale my stock parts for some extra cash???? REALLY?

For myself... I would like to get some money for the parts I payed for when I purchased my Wrangler.

Actually the folks that posted earlier are not kidding :cheesy: The point of the this forum is to meet others with the like interests and become an active part of it.

In fact here is a quick tutorial from the Administrator:

"As some of you may or may not know, it is customary for Jeepers to wave at each other as they pass each other on the road. And, if it's not too much to ask, we'd like you to give us a 'virtual' wave here by saying hello, telling us a little about who you are and of course, all about your Jeep!"

Here is where you would customarily do an introduction:
Hello.. I am Marc. I live in Arizona. I like the outdoors. Nice to meet you all.

You all are kidding me right? Trying to sale my stock parts for some extra cash???? REALLY?

For myself... I would like to get some money for the parts I payed for when I purchased my Wrangler.

Nothing against you man, it's just lately a couple of people have been coming on here completely disregarding the rules and just trying to sell their stock pull offs. Just to clarify I got nothing against getting rid of your take offs for a little extra cash, and nothing against you. Just take a look at the rules before you just start posting ads trying to put parts up for sale, there is even a section for posting up an introduction thread about yourself.
Ignore Brankz, you can do whatever you want with your stock parts and TRY to sell them for whatever you can get out of them. Most comments otherwise were stating that we don't allow people to just USE the site to sell their crap. We are a community that helps each other out and make friendships. Almost everyone who is a regular here will give stock parts away or if its a more expensive part, they'll sell it for no more than "the going rate". If you're here only to sell stuff, you'll catch a lot of grief. If you try to become a part of the community, and don't act like a fool at some point, I'm sure you will enjoy what we have here! Happy Trails!

Thank you. I am relatively new to THIS forum but have been a regular on for over a year. I visit about a dozen forums. I am a Wrangler enthusiast and intend to use it to explore all the SouthWest... and not by myself. lol

I posted my stock items in a few forums as well as craigslist in hopes of putting a tire carrier or winch on my Wrangler. If there are free parts to be had then cool. I do not feel bad selling mine. Anyone who wants stock parts im sure they need them for:

1) they are selling their Wrangler and want to pull off after market parts and put back on stock?
2) replacing damaged/used parts from car accident or off-road mishap?
maybe some more?
Thank you. I am relatively new to THIS forum but have been a regular on for over a year. I visit about a dozen forums. I am a Wrangler enthusiast and intend to use it to explore all the SouthWest... and not by myself. lol

I posted my stock items in a few forums as well as craigslist in hopes of putting a tire carrier or winch on my Wrangler. If there are free parts to be had then cool. I do not feel bad selling mine. Anyone who wants stock parts im sure they need them for:

1) they are selling their Wrangler and want to pull off after market parts and put back on stock?
2) replacing damaged/used parts from car accident or off-road mishap?
maybe some more?

Glad you were understanding man, and once welcome to the WAYALIFE. :wave
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