PACIFIC NORTHWEST: The 2014 JK-Experience [4 Part Series]

Epic! I for one will miss your JKX video productions. I know they are hard work, but they are the best. The best!!:yup:
I gotta get up at 4 AM, but I am going to watch this anyway. I really enjoyed the videos of JKX and will miss the production you guys produce. Thanks again!:rock:

Well, we appreciate it but I have no doubts that you won't miss for a second once you see the awesome videos Nitto will put out.

That right there Eddie & Cindy is why I became a Jeep'er. Thank you for all the hard work putting all the videos together there awesome!

That's awesome and we're glad to hear it. :thumb:

Awesome series Eddie and Cindy :thumb: what is it I'm hearing bout no JKX next year:thinking:

As I said in the first post, this last JK-Experience is our final one. Nitto Tire will be taking over from here and I have no doubts that their professional film crew will bring you much better videos than what Cindy and I could ever hope to do.

Great job. I really enjoyed the whole series. I still think you need an outtakes real.

LOL!! Are you not watching our videos to the very end?

That was fantastic!!!!! But it's also sad that's the last one Great job Eddie and Cindy!!

Thank you and really, this is far from the last JK-Experience video - just the last one Cindy and I will be doing :yup:

Thank you for the great videos. It does feel like we are part of the fun. You can feel the comradery.

That is a true compliment and we're so glad to hear you say as much. :yup:

Randy: I'm relieved you survived your ordeal!

Great video. You're really making me want a winch. And a lift. And big tires. Oh yeah, and the balls to do half of that stuff...


The best one yet! Ok maybe I'm a little biased since Browns camp is my stomping grounds. Great job Eddie and Cindy!

Thank you, we'll definitely have to come back up and run it with you soon. :yup:
You guys could have a good time at a morgue...thanks for another great video

:cheesy: Well, you know we would try :beer:

Thank you! Your videos were literally the reason I bought a jeep

That is so cool. Glad to have you in the family :thumb:

No more videos?

LOL!! We'll still be making videos, just not of the JK-Experience. Nitto Tire is bringing in their own professional film crew to take our place and I have no doubts they'll be way better than anything Cindy and I could ever hope to do. :yup:

Which part featured the dune running? Guess I missed that one.

Did you not watch to the end of the video?

Epic! I for one will miss your JKX video productions. I know they are hard work, but they are the best. The best!!:yup:

Thank you. So that it's clear, we'll still make videos and hope that you'll continue watching them. We just won't be making any more for the JKX. :yup:
Looked like a ton of fun. Thanks making these JKX vids. Cheers Eddie and Cindy! Cant wait to see whats next
you guys did great on this video as you always seem to do ... going to miss you guys commentary on future releases ...
Looked like a ton of fun. Thanks making these JKX vids. Cheers Eddie and Cindy! Cant wait to see whats next

Thank you. We actually have a ton of videos that we've had to shelve due to all the JKX videos we were doing over the last 4 years. We hope to make something of a few of them and of course, we have a ton of runs we plan on doing in the coming year. We hope you'll come back to watch our future videos. :yup:

you guys did great on this video as you always seem to do ... going to miss you guys commentary on future releases ...

Thank you. It is nice to know people like you enjoyed our work. I'm sure you'll love what Nitto does even more.
Trail damage

We all have had it and while the shinny side is up and all four on the floor, the shinny side now has some beauty marks to remember this adventure
According to Jeeptube, I was the 4th viewer. Great videos folks. Really enjoyed the visuals, camaraderie and the fun.

Awesome job! Looking forward to your next production.
Now that the big game is over and I need something to cheer me up since my seahawks lost, can't think of any better way to do this than watch the last installment of these awesome videos ☺
Eddie and Cindy!
Thank you 2 so much for all the effort and work you guys put in to this website, project and life for us. on behalf of all of us I can not thank you guys enough. Me, Bryanna and our jeep Bully cannot thank you enough for the inspiration you have given us to push forward to a bigger and more challenging wayalife!!! Thank you again guys

keep the shinny side up
Thank you Eddie & Cindy for putting in all the hard work and dedication to not just the JKX videos but all of your films. You truly have inspired me to become a Jeeper rather than just a Jeep owner and definately the reason why I have owned 4. Thank yall!
Thanks so much for all the hard work Eddie & Cindy! Your videos will be sorely missed by so many of us! However, you two have certainly earned the right to relax and enjoy your trips without having all the work of documenting every moment.

Thanks for everything!! :)
We all have had it and while the shinny side is up and all four on the floor, the shinny side now has some beauty marks to remember this adventure

Indeed :thumb:

Awesome video! I doubt whoever films the 2015 ones will do as good of a job as you and Cindy do

Thanks Louie, we really do appreciate it.

Eddie and Cindy!
Thank you 2 so much for all the effort and work you guys put in to this website, project and life for us. on behalf of all of us I can not thank you guys enough. Me, Bryanna and our jeep Bully cannot thank you enough for the inspiration you have given us to push forward to a bigger and more challenging wayalife!!! Thank you again guys

keep the shinny side up

We're so glad to hear it and yes, keep the shiny side up :D

Thank you Eddie & Cindy for putting in all the hard work and dedication to not just the JKX videos but all of your films. You truly have inspired me to become a Jeeper rather than just a Jeep owner and definately the reason why I have owned 4. Thank yall!

That really is great to hear and it's great to have you in the family :thumb:
Thanks so much for all the hard work Eddie & Cindy! Your videos will be sorely missed by so many of us! However, you two have certainly earned the right to relax and enjoy your trips without having all the work of documenting every moment.

Thanks for everything!! :)

:cheesy: Since it seems to have been missed, we have no intensions of stopping what we do. In fact, we have every intension of making even more videos than ever before - just not ones for the JKX. :crazyeyes:
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