PACIFIC NORTHWEST: The 2014 JK-Experience [4 Part Series]

Thanks again for the great video Eddie! Can you tell me about the rear suspension on the orange 2 dr? His coilovers are mounted so far inboard, I was wandering what suspension that is,, if there are wierd handling characteristics,,, and if the owner is happy with it, and where I can learn more about his set up. I just like custom and different things!!! Thx:beer:
Thank you everyone for watching our presentation and for posting up here on WAYALIFE. Sure, you could have watched it on your TV, iPad or phone but I think it really is great when you all can come on here and share in the moment with us. So again, thank you. Cindy and I really do appreciate it. :yup:

Cheers to you!! That is awesome and thank you so much for posting that up :thumb:

NO problem can't wait to see part 4 :thumb:
That mud looks fun fun funnnnnnn :shock:
Awesome just bloody Awesome. Man do you jeepers play Hard :)
As ever fantastic job filming narrating and jeeping.

Excellent job as ever Eddie and Cindy.

Thanks again ;)
Regards Mick
Wow and wow and wow......looks like good ol' european gooo with forest, tree stumps, logging trais and all:thumb::thumb::thumb:
I have only one complaint....PART THREE OF ONLY FOUR?!?! Baaaaaah! :mad: These videos need to be an hour long each, and need to have AT LEAST 15 parts. This is as bad as Breaking Bad...just when you get hooked on the season, it's all over...:cussing:
Great videos as always, thank you for making them....
I have to concur great work, made full use of chromecast to watch it on the big screen, even my other half had to sit down and watch it.

( then I got the don't even think about it look when I pointed out the 40" tires on most rigs!)
Each part gets better and better. lol jeeps crawling over boulders in the road! I wish. What a great commute that would be!
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