Unless your tie rod ends are VERY worn, I think this is an optical illusion from the curve in the body.
Edit to add that the body line always makes me think I have toe-out… You can’t imagine how many times I have checked this :crazyeyes:
I would REALLY check your tie rod ends if toe keeps moving around. (Provided their isn't another explination like you bending it in between adjustments.)
Edit to add that you need to make adjustments with the tires off the ground. If you are adjusting toe with them on the ground you are almost definately way over adjusting to compensate for sidewall momement.
I've seen where some jack the front end up and adjust then again in Eddie's write up, he adjusts with it still on the ground. I'm just lost. It will only take one more time before I upgrade to an aftermarket
From the pictures it looks like your tie rod, drag link are stock. My 2010 wouldn't stay aligned (drove straight down the road) but ate tires and was really loose in the steering department. I replace every thing with stock parts 3 times before I upgraded. Everything was torqued to specs as you have said but it would just crap out. New tie rod and ends, drag link and ball joints, made a huge difference and solved all my alignment and steering issues. The factory components sux at best. If your still stock then I'd take a real hard look at it, you could do all the work yourself it really is a good investment.
Yea, going aftermarket drag link pretty soon when I do the flip. I guess I'll have to swap the tie-rod as well