#2 is what I would expect to see on a flat fender. #1 is what I would expect to see on an FC and #3 would look pretty damn cool :yup:
Are these made by Coker? Look way cool.
I believe so, I read they bought the old molds for the tires.
I love the fact it's a Firestone. Harvey was born and raised from where I'm from in Ohio.
I vote #'s 2 or 3. I am thinking along the lines like Eddie, #2 is definitely a more historically correct tread and would be fitting on a "military" themed restorations, but still a very cool tire. #3 is just kind of all around different, but in a vintage turf tire kind of way. #1, well you all ready know what those look, sound and run like since you currently have a similar donut now on the FC.
You're kinda old, Did you ever drive with these military tires??? Obviously they were put to the test on the beaches of Normandy, just curious how they do driving.
I would bet a number of the FC's ran them since the 4 door diesel was built for the Army.
Thank you (seriously). The house we are buying has a very steep hill to access the back yard (where my future garage will be)
So this info really matters..