Oil pan meets rock...


New member
So upon inspection after the rubicon I found my oil pan was hugging a rock a lil too hard & got this dent so I was wondering should I replace it at $100 or pound the dent out before I put on the evo pro tech skids? Has anyone had to straighten an oil pan? Will it survive?ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1394142065.070802.jpgImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1394142076.811105.jpg

Sent from bad apples...
I personally wouldn't waste any time straightening the pan out - just install the pan skid once you drain the oil and do it with the engine cold.
I had no problem installing the pan taking some time and being careful.
You'll love the skid and wonder why you didn't do it earlier.

Now - the tranny skid - a whole different enchilada - much more difficult to install, at least it was for me so that it didn't leak. :twocents:
I went with a different skid, but also after I had already dented the pan. I left it as is, been like that for almost a year with no issues.
if it isnt leaking i wouldnt worry about it. i would just install the evo skid before your next trip
Thanks guys for your quick reply's you eased my mind, I'll just get those skids on ASAP :thumb:

Sent from bad apples...
yeah, that's not enough to worry about. As mentioned, skid plate it and call it a day.

On a separate account, I was cutting across a parking lot in my old Dodge Daytona in the snow when I was 16 and hit a parking block on accident. I required a whole quart less of oil from then on so that was a nice money saver every 3000 miles :crazyeyes:
yeah, that's not enough to worry about. As mentioned, skid plate it and call it a day.

On a separate account, I was cutting across a parking lot in my old Dodge Daytona in the snow when I was 16 and hit a parking block on accident. I required a whole quart less of oil from then on so that was a nice money saver every 3000 miles :crazyeyes:

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: strizzychris thank you for making me laugh on a daily basis!

Sent from bad apples...
as others have said its not the big of a dent to worry about, however if you want to pound it out just put a 2x4 under the dent and use a ball-peen hammer and gently caress it back smooth then repaint it. it prob will take longer to drop the pan then to pound that out but you shouldnt do anymore damage to it unless you go crazy and stretch the metal too thin.
Thanks I did read that write up is there a write up on the trans skid? Pastor has me wondering how that goes :thinking: I didn't see a write up on that part

Sent from bad apples...

Yes, there is a write-up but my tranny pan started leaking after the install, I had broken the ATV bond. I got so frustrated with the leak that I bought a new tranny filter at the dealer and emptied the tranny pan, reinstalling it without oil in it and it went together perfectly and no leaks since. A lot more work but I'm sure glad I have both skids!

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
Yes, there is a write-up but my tranny pan started leaking after the install, I had broken the ATV bond. I got so frustrated with the leak that I bought a new tranny filter at the dealer and emptied the tranny pan, reinstalling it without oil in it and it went together perfectly and no leaks since. A lot more work but I'm sure glad I have both skids!

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app

Ahhh I see, I can see how it would be easy to break the seal, torque is critical I would assume. Thanks pastor good to know :)

Sent from bad apples...
Concur with everyone. Dent doesn't look bad enough to justify buying a replacement. You're going to love your EVO skid. When I put mine on... man, the peace of mind is priceless. :D
The Evo protek skid system is awesome! I posted pics in another thread but here they are again.ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1394152254.541716.jpg
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Hit it with flex seal first! I did the oil pan skid on my 09 and it is heavy duty and went on very well.
flex seal? did you spray the inside or ??? how did you use it?

Well flex seal is a rubber spray on seal, what I meant to actually say was I put an EVO skid on my oil pan and it is heavy duty and fit great. Mine wasn't dented so I didn't have to touch the pan.
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