Oct 17-18th Central Missouri Off-Road Park

I just saw that Central Mo ORP is a having their third event this October. Anyone planning on going? I went to the one back in July and had fun. I'm on the fence but will most likely go. Let me now if anyone wants to meet up.

To be clear, this is no SMORR caliber park. Only about 400 acres, mostly dirt trails, mud pits, some rock beds, man made rock course, and gun range. Not trying to steer anyone away, but want to be clear upfront.
I've decided I'm for sure going. PM me if you want to meet up. I've been to this park once so I've got a good idea where most of the trails are. There's a cool river bed trail.
I was thinking about going in July but was at Turkey bay in KY. I'd be in for this but we have another trip planned to TB the following weekend. I want to make one of these sometime
I just hope this time it doesn't rain all day. Last time there was 0% chance of rain all day. I took off the top and doors, drove there, after paying and getting on the trails it started to rain and didn't stop until 3pm. At least this time I will have brand new tires. My tread on the old ones was down to almost nothing. So I had a hard time getting around in all the mud. Had to use the winch a couple times.

Let me know if you can ever make it and we can meet up. I'm from Fayette so I can give directions if you need anything.
I am thinking about going, how are the trails? Will be coming from Jefferson City.

Come on down. Your close enough you could head back home if you didn't want to camp.

I had a lot of fun last time even with all the rain. My only concern with the trails was they seemed to be a bit narrow. Tough if someone was coming the other direction. On their latest post on FB they said they have make the trails wider.
No, no build page. It looking like if I do go it will be on Sunday only. What day(s) are you going?
Do you know when the next open date is?

Hasn't been released yet. All I know is they plan on only doing about 4 events a year. I would assume the next one will be in a couple months. I had a blast. As soon as I can get some free time I will post some pictures.
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